
  • Alexandra Cătălina ORMENIȘAN PhD student, College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:



Ion Agârbiceanu, Transylvania, Ardeal, newspapers, Unirea, press, press history


Witness of the most important key-events in Romania’s history, the Romanian writer Ion Agârbiceanu couldn’t be anything else but one of the most important journalists of Transylvania, a region with a tumultuous history and a lot of unsettled periods. During almost 60 years, Agârbiceanu published more than 2.000 articles, in about 80 newspapers, like Patria, Tribuna, Transilvania, Glasul Ardealului, Unirea or Luceafărul. This paper aims to analyze the articles that Agârbiceanu wrote in his first years as a journalist, in order to understand the way he reflected the social reality and the historical facts. Also, an-other point of interest was to see if he tried to educate through his articles and to help people adapt to the changing society, considering that he was a writer, so he had the skills to make himself understood and to capture interest. As a further research, this study can help to understand the way his ideas changed during the years and also for a better interpretation of his literature.


Agârbiceanu, Ion, Meditation in September. Edition made by Aurel Sasu. Introduction word by Mircea Zaciu. Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1971.

Agârbiceanu, Ion, Works. I. Short stories and stories. Edition made by Ilie Rad. Chronological table, edition note, bibliography, notes and comments, critical references by Ilie Rad. Introductory study by Eugen Simion. Romanian Academy, National Foundation for Science and Art, Bucharest, 2014.

Brad, Ion, Ion Agârbiceanu. Holy father of Romanian literature, The Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007.

Constantiniu, Florin, A sincere history of the Romanian people, 3rd edition, revised and added, Encyclopedic Universe, Bucharest, 2002.

Giurescu, C. Constantin (coord.), Romania’s history in data, Romanian Encyclopaedia Publishing House, Bucharest, 1972.

Rad, Ilie, Incursions in the history of Romanian written press, Accent, Cluj-Napoca, 2008.

Vatamaniuc, Dimitrie, Ion Agârbiceanu, Albatros, Bucharest, 1970.

Varamaniuc, Dimitrie, Bibliography, Romanian Encyclopaedia Publishing House, Bucharest, 1974.

Zaciu, Mircea, Ceasuri de seară cu Ion Agârbiceanu, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1982.

Zaciu, Mircea, Ion Agârbiceanu, Editura pentru Literatură, Cluj-Napoca, 1964.

Zaciu, Mircea, Evening Hours with Ion Agârbiceanu. Testimonies - Comments - Archive. A book designed and composed by Mircea Zaciu. Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1982

Mircea Zaciu, Ion Agârbieanu, Minerva Publishing House, Bucharest, 1972, p. 127-128.


The Union, year XIII, nr. 6, February 14, 1903.

The Union, year XIII, nr. 18, May 9, 1903.

The Epistle, year I, nr. 5, May 2, 1903.

The Epistle, year I, nr. 6, May 9, 1903.

The Epistle, year I, nr. 7, May 16, 1903.

The Epistle, year I, nr. 8, May 23, 1903.

The Union, year XIII, nr. 48, November 28, 1903.

The Union, year XIV, nr. 22, May 28, 1904.

The Union, year XIV, nr. 27, July 2, 1904.

The Epistle, year II, nr. 40, November 1, 1904.

The Union, year XV, nr. 23, June 10, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 25, June 24, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 32, August 12, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 33, August 19, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 36, September 9, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 37, September 16, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 39, September 30, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 41, October 14, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 46, November 18, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 47, November 25, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 48, December 2, 1905.

The Union, year XV, nr. 49, December 9, 1905.

The Union, Year XV, nr. 52, December 30, 1905.




How to Cite

ORMENIȘAN, A. C. (2017). ION AGÂRBICEANU’S BEGINNINGS AS JOURNALIST. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, 62(2), 63–82.


