

European integration; European Capital of Culture; European identity; European culture


This paper aims at analyzing the potential that the European Capital of Culture action has of fostering the complex European integration process via its identity function. For this purpose, we have examined a wide range of European Capital of Culture programs and, using a combination between the diverse and the typical case study selection methods, we have chosen for a deeper analysis three cases that could generate conclusions applicable to the entire action (Maribor 2012, Istanbul 2010 and Essen/Ruhr 2010). The main findings of the paper highlight some limited merits of the action in promoting European identity and supporting the European integration process, coupled with the indication of discrepancies in this regard between small and large hosts of the European Capital of Culture. Also, the study sets forward a set of measures that could improve the action’s results along its European dimension.


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How to Cite

DAN, H. . (2016). DEEPENING EUROPEAN INTEGRATION THROUGH THE EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE ACTION. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, 61(2), 51–71. Retrieved from


