
  • Ştefana-Oana CIORTEA NEAMȚIU Lecturer PhD, Department of Philosophy and Communication Sciences, West University, Timisoara, Romania. Email:
  • Lucian-Vasile SZABO Lecturer PhD, Department of Philosophy and Communication Sciences, West University, Timisoara, Romania. Email:


Grandea, Războiul, Eminescu, Timpul, newspapers


Grigore H. Grandea was one of the most important and influential Romanian journalists and publishers. He outlined in his biography that he was Lord Byron’s grandson, but this is false. Grandea worked for several important publications such as Dâmboviţa, Albina Pindului, Timpul and Războiul. He was appreciated by Mihai Eminescu and mocked by Titu Maiorescu. At Timpul, Grandea worked with Ioan Slavici, another prominent journalist and publisher, and this happened just before Eminescu joined the editorial staff. Grandea’s most important realisation was the daily gazette Războiul, the most powerful newspaper of its days. Războiul had at a certain point a circulation of 15 000 to 18 000 copies per day, compared to Timpul, which had a circulation between 3 000 and 6 000 copies per day. Grandea polemized with the representatives of the Liberal Party, at the time being in power, and especially with C. A. Rosetti, political leader and publisher at the daily newspaper Românul.


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How to Cite

CIORTEA NEAMȚIU, Ştefana-O. ., & SZABO, L.-V. . (2016). GRIGORE H. GRANDEA: POLITICS, JOURNALISM AND WAR. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, 61(1), 19–33. Retrieved from


