
  • Gadirova NIGAR Faculty of Journalism; Baku State University;



Digital age, journalism formats, social networks, mass media websites, Azerbaijan mass media.


The digital age brings new technologies that influence the work of professional journalists by providing new opportunities whilst touching also upon the methods and the speed of spreading the information, the communication with the audience, the technologies used by journalist and the media formats. The study has two main purposes: to analyze the new mass media formats and their and to observe how well they are represented in Azerbaijan’s mass media. In order to reach these goals, selected literature was reviewed in connection to the topic and mass media websites were observed in Azerbaijan’s online landscape, as well as the presence of mass media in social networks. The result of this analysis is that due to technological development journalists started to use formats more connected with new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. In Azerbaijan’s particular case, the main finding is that the digital media formats are present in mainstream websites and social networks pages with the opportunities that they offer.


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How to Cite

NIGAR, G. (2020). MAPPING THE DIGITAL MEDIA FORMATS USED IN AZERBAIJAN. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, 65(1), 55–84.


