Evaluation of the Geotourism Potential of the Mountain Lakes in the Călimani Massif: Colibița Lake, Iezer Lake and Zânelor Lake


  • Vasilica Valentina ISOPESCU Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and Geology, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iași, Romania. Email: valentinavali10@gmail.com. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-8513-6251




Geotourism, Geosite, Călimani Massif, Carpathian Mountains, Romania


Evaluation of the Geotourism Potential of the Mountain Lakes in the Călimani Massif: Colibița Lake, Iezer Lake and Zânelor Lake. This paper evaluates the key geosites in the Călimani National Park: Colibița Lake, Iezer Lake and Zânelor Lake. The internationally recognized methodology used in this study has a crucial role in the development of tourism and the conservation of natural resources. The obtained results show that these geosites have a significant potential for tourism development. Colibița Lake, an artificial lake, attracts tourists with its picturesque landscape and recreational activities. Iezer Lake impresses with its natural beauty and ecological importance, being a crucial habitat for local flora and fauna. Zânelor Lake offers a unique cultural experience, thanks to the charming landscape and local legends. The evaluation and management of these geosites will contribute to the management and conservation of natural resources in the Călimani Massif. The development of sustainable tourism requires appropriate management strategies that ensure responsible use and conservation of the environment. Promoting sustainable tourism and respecting conservation principles will ensure the preservation and sustainable exploitation of these geosites, benefiting both local communities and visitors.


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How to Cite

ISOPESCU, V. V. . (2024). Evaluation of the Geotourism Potential of the Mountain Lakes in the Călimani Massif: Colibița Lake, Iezer Lake and Zânelor Lake. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Geographia, 69(1), 109–128. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbgeogr.2024.1.07


