social isolation, crisis, Covid-19, mental health, mental well-being.Abstract
The study aims to understand what happens during a crisis and provides the story of the COVID-19 pandemic about social isolation. The coronavirus outbreak made the government impose specific measures to reduce the spread. The measures include social isolation and social distancing. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of how COVID-19 social isolation had detrimental effects on people’s psychological well-being. The study shows the relationship between the disruption caused by the pandemic, i.e., social isolation, and people’s psychological well-being. Provides an extensive literature review on how the crisis disrupted the workplace, negatively affecting job satisfaction and productivity. The research involves a qualitative systematic literature review on social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. The study involves articles which are thoroughly assessed using the exclusion and inclusion criteria to provide a comprehensive understanding of the study themes. The study concludes that social isolation influences people’s mental health in their personal lives and work life. People lack the feeling of social connectedness, which leads to increased levels of depression, stress, and anxiety. Working remotely during the pandemic heightened people’s stress and depression and ultimately reducing job satisfaction and productivity.
Article history: Received 27 April 2022; Revised 17 May 2022; Accepted 10 June 2022; Available online 30 June 2022; Available print 30 August 2022.
JEL Classification: I19, I39, Z13
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