
  • Lassaad GHACHEM Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Monastir,
  • Costinel DOBRE Professor, Ph.D., West University of Timisoara. *Corresponding author:
  • Reza ETEMAD-SAJADI Associate Professor, Ph.D., Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne,
  • Anca MILOVAN-CIUTA Lecturer, Ph.D., West University of Timisoara,



online marketing, perceived risk, cultural values, mental accounting, privacy, financial risk.


This article analyzes the influence of cultural factors on the perceived risks of buying online. To this end, we conducted a survey on a sample of Francophone African students, through an online questionnaire. In order to test the developed research model, we opted for structural equation modeling (SEM), using the Smart PLS 2.0 software. Data analysis has highlighted the importance of power distance in perceiving the risks of online buying and, on the other hand, the fact that online buying risk perception is less important in cultures where uncertainty avoidance is high. Based on these research results, marketers could adapt their marketing approaches at a local, regional or international level.

JEL classification: M31; M10; L81.


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