


child development, community-based tourism, slum upgrading.


This paper is an evaluation study of a Community-Based Tourism (CBT) project in Kampung Warna-Warni in East Java, Indonesia. Kampung Warna-Warni was one of slum residential areas along a river bank. A partnership between university students, a paint company, art communities, local government, and local community have successfully established the Kampung as one of the attractive and well-known tourism objects in East Java. Related to it, child empowerment emerges as one of the most pertinent aspects in developing a community-based tourism. This case study indicates some impacts in turning a slum residential into a potential tourism object in children’s lives. The research data were collected through in-depth interviews and site observation in order to examine the implementation of CBT and health promotion program which are relevant to child empowerment in the area. This paper reports the interviews’ results with some respondents, namely health promoters, opinion leaders, local communities, and visitors. It is revealed that CBT project significantly influences the community’s circumstances. The project has improved community environmental and economic aspects, yet neglected child empowerment. Altering a slum residential into a tourism object requires a community empowerment and adaptation process, particularly for children, because it potentially affects their development. The findings provide some insights for governments and relevant stakeholders to implement an effective and empowering policy for child health development program and community-based tourism.

JEL Classification: Z32


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