Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia <p><strong>OFFICIAL WEBPAGE: <a href=""></a></strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN (online):</strong> 2065-9431<br /><strong>ISSN-L:</strong> 2065-9431<br /><strong>ISSN (print): </strong>1221-8111<strong> [from 2023 print edition - CEASED]<br />Subject: </strong>Psihopedagogy Journal <br /><strong>Text in: </strong>English, French, German<br /><strong>Abstract and Keywords in:</strong> English<br /><strong>Year of the first edition: </strong>1958<br /><strong>Print Edition History:<br /></strong>1958-1961: <em>Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Series III. Philosophia et Oeconomica, Jurisprudentia, </em><em>Psychologia, Paedagogia,</em> ISSN 1220-0409. 1962-1974: <em>Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Series Psychologia-Paedagogia, </em>ISSN 1220-0468. 1975-now: <em>Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia, </em>ISSN 1221-8111. With vol. 1/2023 the print edition will ceased. <strong><br />Periodicity:</strong> half-yearly (June, December)<strong><br /></strong> <strong>Type of the publication: </strong>scientific/academic <br /><strong>Editors: </strong>Associate Prof. IRINA POP-PĂCURAR, Ph.D., Researcher SEBASTIAN VAIDA, Ph.D., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania<br />E-mail: <a href=""></a><br /><strong>Fully Open Access: Yes<br />Publication fees: None</strong></p> en-US (Studia UBB Psychologia-Paedagogia) (Alina Vesa) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 13:18:11 +0000 OJS 60 The comparison of several factorial structures of the Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level Z The Cornell Critical Thinking Test (CCTT) level Z is a broadly applied instrument for the measurement of undergraduate, gifted students’ and adults’ critical thinking abilities, however, there is a lack of studies in the literature investigating its factorial structure. The test developers emphasize the interpretation of the test results as a general critical thinking factor, including different cognitive abilities, but also highlight the overlap between the items of the subfactors. The aim of the study is the investigation of internal consistency, the comparison of different factorial structures (unidimensional, correlated, and hierarchical models), and gender invariance testing of the CCTT level Z. Hungarian-speaking undergraduate students participated in the study (N = 825). For the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) the Mplus version 8.7, with weighted least squares mean and variance adjusted estimation was used. Measurement invariance of the test across genders was analyzed using Muthén’s two-step procedure for dichotomous data. The results indicated that the correlated four-factor and second-order structures of the test exceeded the acceptable model fit criteria. Post hoc inspection was conducted on the second-order four-factor model, indicating a shortened 22-item version of the test (with a general critical thinking factor, including four subfactors: deduction, meaning and fallacies, induction, assumption identification) with excellent fit indices [χ2 (203) = 259.309, CFI = .967, TLI = .963, RMSEA = .018, SRMR = .056]. Configural and scalar invariance of the abbreviated Hungarian version of the test across genders were confirmed. Andrea BARTA, Borbála TAMÁS, Tünde PÓKA Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Executive Functions in Clinical and Non-Clinical Populations. A Comparative Analysis The primary aim of the study was to assess and compare executive functions in psychiatric inpatients (n=65) with those of a matched control group of healthy individuals (n=65). Both cohorts underwent rigorous evaluation using neuropsychological performance-based tests and self-assessment scales. Findings indicated a superior performance by the control group in both self-assessed and computerized evaluations. Notably, there was an absence of correlation between results from the performance-based test (Corsi) and self-assessments of executive function. Subsequent analysis focusing on primary diagnostic categories highlighted that patients diagnosed with depression consistently undervalued their performance in the self-assessment as opposed to the objective, computer-based evaluations. This undervaluation was observed across total scores and individual subscales. In contrast, patients diagnosed with alcohol dependence exhibited a tendency to overestimate their performance in self-assessments relative to the objective tests. The study investigates the causes of these observed differences and considers their implications for subsequent research and clinical practices. Dana A. ICLOZAN, Iulia F. POP Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fake News and the Individual. Personal Characteristics Which Influence What We Choose to Believe As the phenomenon of fake news continues to increase and spread throughout the world, there is a need to understand how individual characteristics influence the propensity to believe in fake news. In this systematic review, we performed a search of relevant databases for scientific studies published starting with 2016, the year this term became mainstream, 2024. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, we selected ten studies, which showed that higher extraversion is related with an increased belief in fake news, while agreeableness, conscientiousness, and open-mindedness tend to protect against believing in fake news. A heightened state of emotionality (either negative or positive) is another individual characteristic which predisposes people to believe fake news. High intelligence individuals, but especially individuals with high analytical skills, who often use deep reflection (instead of their intuition/gut feeling) when processing information and making decisions, are the most protected when it comes to believing news that is not true. Ovidiu CRISTIAN, Sebastian VAIDA Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Undergraduate Students’ Opinion on Digital Learning in a Post-pandemic Era: A Case Study <p>The current article aims to investigate learners’ post-pandemic attitude towards digital learning in Higher Education with a specific focus on a group of undergraduate Law students at Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. To achieve its purpose, the article focuses on answering two research questions: Do post pandemic undergraduate students recognize the benefits of digital learning? Is e-learning currently a reasonable choice for them? The research is designed as an exploratory case study that uses three data collection tools: a questionnaire, an interview, and a classroom observation protocol. The article links information from literature related to the use of digital learning during the pandemic with results revealed by the data collected in the case study. The results suggest a steady trend towards a growing acceptance rate of digital learning by the targeted student population and a lower approval rate of e-learning.</p> <p><strong>ZUSAMMENFASSUNG.</strong> Der aktuelle Artikel zielt darauf ab, die Einstellung der Lernenden nach der Pandemie zum digitalen Lernen in der Hochschulbildung zu untersuchen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf einer Gruppe von Jurastudenten im Grundstudium an der Babeș-Bolyai-Universität aus Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien, liegt. Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, konzentriert sich der Artikel auf die Beantwortung zweier Forschungsfragen: Erkennen Studierende nach der Pandemie die Vorteile des digitalen Lernens? Ist E-Learning derzeit eine sinnvolle Wahl für sie? Die Forschung ist als explorative Fallstudie konzipiert, die drei Datenerfassungstools verwendet: einen Fragebogen, ein Interview und ein Beobachtungsprotokoll im Klassenzimmer. Der Artikel verknüpft Informationen aus der Literatur zum Einsatz digitalen Lernens während der Pandemie mit Ergebnissen, die sich aus den in der Fallstudie erhobenen Daten ergeben. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf einen stetigen Trend hin zu einer steigenden Akzeptanzrate des digitalen Lernens durch die Zielgruppe der Studierenden und einer geringeren Zustimmungsrate von E-Learning hin.</p> <p><strong>Schlüsselwörter:</strong> Hochschulbildung, digitales Lernen, Online-Lernen, Pandemie, gute Lehrpraktiken</p> Bianca Doris BRETAN Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Personality Traits and Work Values as Predictors of Vocational Interests Among University Students Many organizations and career guidance professionals are curious about what personality traits can tell them about a person’s potential, qualities and attitude to work. This study assessed the personality traits, work values and vocational interests of university students. The relationships between these three constructs were investigates, and more specifically, the extent to which personality traits and work value can predict vocational interest. Vocational interest determines one’s career development and work choice. The study included 304 participants with a mean age of 25.4 years (SD=8.11). In our analysis, we used the HEXACO personality questionnaire, the Work Value Questionnaire measuring 15 subcategories and the RIASEC Vocational Interest Questionnaire. The aim of this study is to get a clearer picture of the relationship between personality traits, work values and vocational interests. The results show that personality traits are also predictive, but together with work value, they are stronger predictors of vocational interest. The results are presented in the light of career development. Anna VERES, Tünde PÓKA Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Colombian Teachers’ Network on STEM: Approaching Concepts and Strategies for Collaborative Work and Educational Innovation <p>The article analyses the strategies and concepts that configure the accompanying process provided to teachers by the Secretariat of Education in Bogotá, Colombia, through a Continuing Professional Development Program. The content analysis performed in this article is meant to evaluate the conceptualization of a national program on continuing professional development of primary and secondary school teachers in Bogotá, a program estimated to impact on teaching collaboration and educational innovation. The STEM + TRANSFORMS Teachers Network is where this process is carried out, with teachers who have pedagogical initiatives in educational innovation with a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The content analysis was carried out by examining two reference documents for STEM networks and programs in Colombia and Latin America, and conducting an interview with the institutional support coordinators of the Network. The findings will enable an understanding of approaches and challenges related to educational innovation through STEM processes and cooperative work.</p> <p><strong>ZUSAMMENFASSUNG.</strong> In diesem Artikel werden die Strategien und Konzepte analysiert, die den Begleitungsprozess für Lehrer gestalten, den das Bildungsminis-terium in Bogotá, Kolumbien, im Rahmen eines Programms zur beruflichen Fortbildung anbietet. Die in diesem Artikel durchgeführte Inhaltsanalyse soll die Konzeption eines nationalen Programms zur beruflichen Weiterbildung von Lehrern der Primar- und Sekundarstufe in Bogotá bewerten, ein Programm, von dem angenommen wird, dass es sich auf die Zusammenarbeit im Unterricht und die Bildungsinnovation auswirkt. Das STEM + TRANSFORMS Lehrernetzwerk ist der Ort, an dem dieser Prozess durchgeführt wird, mit Lehrern, die pädagogische Initiativen in der Bildungsinnovation mit einem STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) haben. Die Inhaltsanalyse erfolgte durch die Untersuchung von zwei Referenzdokumenten für MINT-Netzwerke und -Programme in Kolumbien und Lateinamerika sowie durch ein Interview mit den institutionellen Unterstützungskoordi¬natoren des Netzwerks. Die Ergebnisse ermöglichen ein Verständnis der Ansätze und Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit Bildungsinnovationen durch MINT-Prozesse und kooperative Arbeit.</p> <p><strong>Schlüsselwörter:</strong> Zusammenarbeit, Begleitung, STEM, Innovation</p> Heidy Natalia GARCÍA CADENA Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Emotionality, Self-efficacy, Rational- and Intuitive- Thinking Styles in Advanced Chess Expertise <p>Background: Literature is scarce regarding the psychological predictors of chess expertise and A-level chess performance. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed and conducted on a total number of 90 Hungarian and Romanian competitive chess players. More than half were males, the average age was 32.07 (SD=12.99). The study aimed to explore the predictive influence of age, gender, number of hours spent practicing, preferences for rational and intuitive thinking styles, self-efficacy, and emotionality on the likelihood of obtaining a publicly accessible ELO rating within the range of 1800-2500 (indicating at least A-level expertise or higher). Binary logistic regression was applied to examine the weight of each predictor. Results: The data evinced the statistically significant role of gender, and rational thinking style on A-level chess expertise and from all the conclusive predictors the most determinant was the rational thinking style which raised the chance of high expertise more than 60 times. Conclusions: Practice contributes positively to the development of A-level competence. However, the most crucial factor in predicting high chess expertise and performance is the preference for rational thinking style.</p> <p><strong>ZUSAMMENFASSUNG.</strong> Hintergrund: Es gibt nur wenig Literatur über die psychologischen Prädiktoren für Schachkenntnisse und A-Level-Schachleistungen. Methoden: Es wurde eine Querschnittsstudie konzipiert und an insgesamt 90 ungarischen und rumänischen Wettkampfschachspielern durchgeführt. Mehr als die Hälfte waren Männer, das Durchschnittsalter betrug 32,07 Jahre (SD=12,99). Ziel der Studie war es, den prädiktiven Einfluss von Alter, Geschlecht, Anzahl der Trainingsstunden, Präferenzen für rationale und intuitive Denkstile, Selbstwirksamkeit und Emotionalität auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu untersuchen, eine öffentlich zugängliche ELO-Bewertung im Bereich von 1800-2500 (was mindestens A-Niveau oder höher bedeutet) zu erhalten. Es wurde eine binäre logistische Regression angewandt, um das Gewicht der einzelnen Prädiktoren zu untersuchen. Ergebnisse: Die Daten zeigten die statistisch signifikante Rolle des Geschlechts und des rationalen Denkstils für die Schachkompetenz auf A-Niveau. Von allen schlüssigen Prädiktoren war der rationale Denkstil der bestimmendste, der die Chance auf eine hohe Kompetenz um mehr als das 60fache erhöhte. Schlussfolgerungen: Übung trägt positiv zur Entwicklung der A-Level-Kompetenz bei. Der wichtigste Faktor bei der Vorhersage von hoher Schachkompetenz und Leistung ist jedoch die Präferenz für den rationalen Denkstil.</p> <p><strong>Schlüsserwörter:</strong> Schachexpertise, ELO-Bewertung, A-Level, Emotionalität, Selbstwirksamkeit, rationales Denken, intuitives Denken, Praxis, Erwachsene</p> Adrienn VARGA, Eszter Eniko MARSCHALKO Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The suicides among the Romanian police and public safety personnel in the period 2016-2021 There is an important concern of public and professional organizations in the police and public safety sector to identify the best practices for suicide risk management, especially in USA. The suicide phenomenon from 2016 to 2021 at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania , captured through the annual suicide rates, varied positively or negatively compared with the annual suicide rates from Romania and with those at the level of institutions with a similar activity profile from the international level, from the USA and Italy. Based on the socio-demographic data available, the self-murderers’ profiles at the level of MIA were created, but in their use, the particular aspects of the suicidal phenomenon must be considered. The self-murderers from the Romanian police and public safety institutions used firearms in 45.7% of the cases during the analyzed period. The algorithm used to predict the annual suicide numbers in the period 2022-2025 at the MIA level revealed that they will follow an increasing trend. In the period 2016-2021, the annual number of suicides among Romanian police and public safety personnel was higher than the number of deaths among the same personnel caused by accidents during service and assaults. Bogdan MÎNJINĂ Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sex (Is Not) On Fire: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Schemas Between Symptoms of Endometriosis and Sexual Distress The purpose of this research is to examine the cognitive schemas activated in sexual situations as mediating factors in the relationship between endometriosis symptoms and sexual distress. N=173 women diagnosed with endometriosis, who had a sexually active status during data collection, took part in the research. The survey consisted of a demographic data sheet, the ENDOPAIN-4D, the Questionnaire of Cognitive Schema Activation in Sexual Context and the Female Sexual Distress Scale - Desire/Arousal/Orgasm questionnaires. The results of the Structural Equation Modeling technique indicate that the mediation model does not show a good model fit with our data. We do not see this explanatory power regarding the relationship between pelvic pain and sexual distress sexual, or between bowel pain and sexual distress. Based on the complex indirect effect, maladaptive cognitive schemas mediate the relationship between pain during sexual intercourse and sexual distress, as well as the relationship between other symptoms of endometriosis and sexual distress. Bernadette GÁLFI, Oana COBEANU, Kinga KÁLCZA-JÁNOSI, Róbert BALÁZSI Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Highs and Lows of Pornography Use: Does Motivation Affect Users’ Life Satisfaction? The negative outcomes of problematic pornography use (PPU) have been well documented, but there is a gap in the literature on the underlying mechanisms that influence the life satisfaction and mental health of pornography users. In the current study we have used a cross-sectional, person-centered approach in order to reveal the motivational and life satisfaction profile of problematic and non-problematic pornography users based on the theoretical framework of Self-determination Theory (SDT). We also wished to determine the role of self-determination in the life satisfaction of pornography users, as this variable is considered to be relevant for the life satisfaction and mental health of online pornography consumers. Our participants (N = 4302) were Hungarian speaking adults from Romania and Hungary (age M=27,91; SD=9,50), selected through sampling on social networking sites related to pornography, sexual dysfunction and addiction. Individuals were assigned to one of 3 groups (i.e., no symptoms, few symptoms, problematic use), based on the presence of symptoms related to pornography use. Demographic data was gathered, self-determination, life satisfaction and pornography use were assessed using the online version of validated instruments. Results indicated that SDT-based motivation and life satisfaction have a significant role in shaping the profile of pornography users. Participants with PPU felt less satisfied with their life, were less self-aware and experienced lower levels of perceived choice than both no symptom and few symptom groups. Although self-determination significantly predicted life satisfaction, this effect was not influenced by the problematic character of pornography use. Kármen SULYOK (DEMETER), Kinga KÁLCZA-JÁNOSI, Ibolya KOTTA Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Teacher’s Intention to Report Child Abuse and Neglect in Romania: A Mixed-method Study Child abuse and neglect (CAN) have long-lasting effects on a child’s physical, social, and psychological development. Teachers have a unique position to identify, protect, and intervene in these cases, but they often fail to help children in need. This study aims to describe and investigate the factors associated with CAN reporting behavior of school teachers and counselors from Romania using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a framework. Methods. We conducted a mixed-method study using a modified version of the Child Abuse Intention to Report Scale (CARIS-R). 1025 teachers (91,7% female) participated in the survey. Quantitative and qualitative data analyses were performed to explore the predictors of intention to report CAN and the reasons to report CAN. Results. More than half of the teachers (51.9%) suspected at least one CAN case, but only 28.1% reported their concerns. Attitudes towards child discipline and professional responsibility, direct subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were significant predictors of intention to report CAN. Eight categories of reasons might influence a teacher’s decision to report CAN, including the type of abuse, the teacher’s characteristics, or the perceived social support. Conclusions. This study’s findings contribute to our understanding of the individual factors that can influence teachers’ intention to report CAN in Romania. Teachers from Romania should have the opportunity to participate in evidence-based training, which fosters their confidence in making CAN reports. Delia CRISTESCU Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Health Behaviour of Police Officers in Relation to Hypertension. Observations from a Hungarian County <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><strong>:</strong> The aim of this study is to assess the health behavior of those who are treated for high blood pressure among law enforcement officers, compared to those who are not under treatment for high blood pressure. <strong><em>Methodology:</em></strong> In Hungary, a cross-sectional survey was carried out among those serving in the County of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. This is the publication of partial results of a study carried out in the framework of a comprehensive health behavior survey. <strong><em>Findings:</em></strong> The number of items in the sample is 1,719. 11.40% were treated for hypertension. There is a significant difference in gender (χ2= 3.979; p=0.047). The highest proportion of people with hypertension is among those with a secondary school leaving certificate (18.8%). The lowest prevalence is among university graduates (9.1%). Education level is significantly associated with hypertension (χ2=17.013; p=0.004). There is a very strong significant association between length of time in service and hypertension (χ2=83.204; p= 0.000). The proportion of people with hypertension increases steadily with the length of service. No significant differences were found for work schedule, smoking, alcohol consumption or physical activity. When examining the relationship between social support and hypertension, there is a significant difference between grandparent support and parent support (p=0.002; p=0.012). Those treated for hypertension can count on less parental or grandparental support. Non-hypertensives have higher personal health awareness (p=0001), as well as higher self-assessment of health (p=0.000). They are more motivated to avoid unhealthiness (p=0.002) and to maintain their health (p=0.009). They feel in better health (p=0.000) and are confident that this will be maintained in the future (p=0.000). Health concern is higher among hypertension patients (p=0.045). Both internal and external health control scores are higher (p=0.000; P=0.001) as is health anxiety (p=0.000). <strong><em>Value:</em></strong> The prevalence of hypertension increases with age, so it is of paramount importance that appropriate health promotion programmes help law-enforcement workers to maintain their health.</p> Aliz AMBRUSZ, Zsuzsanna BORBÉLY, Erika MALÉT-SZABÓ Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Text-Based Inference Instruction for Elementary Grade Children with Reading Comprehension Difficulties: An Intervention Research The current study investigated the effects of inference instruction on text-based inferences by third graders who are below average in reading comprehension but average in reading fluency and cognitive abilities. Text-based inferences occur when the preceding text has an identifiable causal antecedent. Participants were randomly assigned and attended twelve 30-minute sessions of the inferences training intervention. We have included strategies for integrating information from the text to improve reading comprehension skills. We provide an overview of how specific text-based instruction influences reading comprehension processes and outcomes and can lead to increased reading comprehension. The comparison of pretest and posttest results in the experimental group showed a significant gain in the following variables: generating inferences and providing arguments for using rules and constraints. Finally, we discuss how consideration of these potential sources of instruction has practical implications for designing and selecting instructional materials. Viorel MIH, Codruţa MIH Copyright (c) 2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000