Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica <p><strong>ISSN (print):</strong> 1224-8754 <br /><strong>ISSN (online):</strong> 2065-9458<br /><strong>ISSN-L:</strong> 2065-9458<br /><strong>Subject:</strong> Theological Journal <br /><strong>Text in:</strong> English, Italian, French, German, Romanian<br /><strong>Abstract and Keywords in:</strong> English<br /><strong>Year of the first edition:</strong> 1996 <br /><strong>Periodicity:</strong> half-yearly (June, December)<br />1996-1997 - annually; 1998-2000 - half-yearly; 2001-2005 - 3 issues/year; <br />2006-2012 - quarterly; 2013 - today - half-yearly.<br /><strong>Type of the publication:</strong> scientific/academic <br /><strong>Editors: </strong><br />Cristian BARTA, Dan RUSCU, Simona Ştefana ZETEA, <br />Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Babeş-Bolyai University<br />Contact: <a href=""></a><br /><strong>Fully Open Access: Yes</strong><strong><br />Publication fees:</strong> <strong>None</strong></p> Babeș-Bolyai University / Cluj University Press en-US Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 1224-8754 Răzvan Brudiu, '„Cu moartea pe moarte călcând”. Dimensiunea liturgic-misiologică a slujbei înmormântării'. Tipărită cu binecuvântarea Preasfințitului Părinte †Macarie. Episcopul Ortodox Român al Europei de Nord, Ed. Felicitas, Stockholm, 2020, 340 p. <p>A tre anni dalla pubblicazione del libro <em>Incinerarea. Provocare misionară sau contramărturie creştină?</em> padre Răzvan Brudiu, Lettore Universitario presso la cattedra di Missiologia ortodossa, nel quadro della Facoltà di Teologia Ortodossa dell’Università “1 Dicembre 1918”, pubblica questo nuovo libro.</p> Giuseppe MUNARINI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 215 218 Emanuel Cosmovici, “Martirul Episcopilor Greco-Catolici Români”, vol. I-VII, Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg, Târgu Lăpuș, 2019, 394 p. / “Planificarea „lichidării” Bisericii Române Unite”, Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg, vol. VIII, Târgu Lăpuș, 2020, 126 p. / “Desfășurarea “lichidării” Bisericii Române Unite în 1948”, vol. IX, Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg, Târgu Lăpuș, 2020, 248 p. Sette dei volumi di questa collana sono apparsi nell’anno in cui sette vescovi della Chiesa Greco-Cattolica (Vasile Aftenie, Valeriu Traian Frențiu, Ioan Suciu, Tit Liviu Chinezu, Ioan Bălan, Alexandru Rusu e Iuliu Hossu) sono stati beatificati da papa Francesco il 2 giugno 2019, mentre gli altri due nell’anno successivo. Giuseppe MUNARINI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 219 224 Florentin Crihălmeanu, Episcop greco-catolic de Cluj Gherla, „Testament spiritual. Scrisorile Pastorale la Sărbătorile Nașterii și Învierii Domnului nostru Isus Hristos.” Coordonator: Pr. Daniel Avram, Ed. Viața Creștină, Cluj-Napoca, 2021, 501 p. Nell’anno in cui Monsignor Florentin Crihălmeanu (1959-2021), vescovo di Cluj-Gherla, se n’è andato per sempre è apparso questo libro che contiene le lettere pastorali pubblicate per la Festa del Santo Natale e della Risurrezione del Signore. Giuseppe MUNARINI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 225 230 Florin Toader Tomoioagă, „Unitatea pierdută a creației. Introducere în ecoteologia ortodoxă”, Ed. Doxologia, Iaşi, 2022, 241 p. <p>The work <em>Unitatea pierdută a creației. Introducere în ecoteologia ortodoxă</em> [<em>The lost</em><em> unity of creation. Introduction to Orthodox Ecotheology</em>], introduces us to the issue of the theology of crea­tion from a perspective specific to the Orthodox school of thought that capitalizes on biblical, pa­tristic and philocaly foundations in a methodo­logical presentation that gives it scientific value. It is also of genuine ecumenical openness, critically taking up the encyclical<em> Laudato Si</em> of the Pope Francis, presenting similar concerns from the writings of the great Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae.</p> Alexandru BUZALIC Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 231 234 Alberto Castaldini, “L’adesione diabolica. Una sfida antica fra dannazione e salvezza”, Ed. Sugarco, Milano, 2023, 216 p. <p>Il libro che ho il piacere di recensire, dedicato al grande esorcista e Servo di Dio P. Candido Amantini (1914-1992), è <em>L’adesione diabolica. Una sfida antica fra dannazione e sal­vezza</em> del prof. Alberto Castaldini, che conosco personalmente e al quale va la mia stima e la mia gratitudine per questo lavoro. Sì, perché il prof. Castaldini pone in luce alcuni aspetti antropo­logici – e non solo – di grande importanza, chiamati in causa a fronteggiare quell’azione diabolica nei confronti della quale, purtroppo ma molto spesso, si finisce per assecondarla, o meglio, per «aderirvi». Questo aspetto risulta centrale e lo si capisce già dal primo capitolo: <em>La libertà spezzata</em>. È proprio dalla libertà, che viene talmente piegata da «spezzarsi», che tutto ha inizio.</p> Gabriele CIANFRANI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 235 238 The Significance of Hope in Spiritual Development. A Psychological and Theological Perspective Hope, as one of the theological virtues, is an important area of human spiritual development. However, like the other virtues, it is necessary to shape it along with the development and growth of spiritual life. The article will discuss threads of hope from the theological perspective and spirituality, both from the point of view of Catholic theology but also from the point of view of human psychological development. Hope will be analyzed from a theological, moral and biblical perspective, and its meaning, importance and universality will be indicated. Then, the process of shaping human spirituality will be described: its importance from a theological perspective, and the individual stages of spiritual development will be presented from the perspective of developmental psychology and the psychology of religion. The last part will present contemporary research on the relationship between hope and human spirituality as well as perspectives on further research directions. Magdalena BIOLIK-MOROŃ Aleksandra KŁOS-SKRZYPCZAK Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 7 25 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.01 Hans-Urs von Balthasar – la théologie de la culture entre la théologie transcendantale et la théologie esthétique <p><strong><em>Hans</em></strong><strong><em>-</em></strong><strong><em>Urs von Balthasar – the Theology of Culture between the Transcendental Theology and the Aesthetic Theology</em></strong>. Von Balthasar is a theologian of the 20th century who proposes an approach in the continuity of patristic traditions and schools of Christian philosophy through a translation of the concept of revelation in a language that sends us towards the aesthetic experience. God, the union of the absolute values <em>Verum</em> and <em>Bonum</em> manifests itself through a theophany that brings out the transcendental category of <em>Pulchrum</em>. God reveals his Glory, the aesthetic experience becoming a mystical, natural contemplation, by understanding the history of salvation as a <em>Theo</em><em>-</em><em>drama</em> that is completed by the "end game" of salvation and the fulfillment of the eschaton.</p> Alexandru BUZALIC Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 27 42 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.02 Débats sur le Filioque – « la pomme de la discorde » entre les traditions orientales et occidentales <p><strong><em>Debates on the Filioque - “The Apple of Discord” between Eastern and Western Traditions</em></strong>. The <em>Filioque</em> issue is still a major problem between East and West traditions on the path of ecumenism. Theologically speaking, the <em>Filioque</em> is the “iceberg” that rises in the rough seas of the Church of God – Εκκλησία του Θεού to slow down the initiatives for Christian unity. The <em>Nicene</em><em>-Constantinople Credo</em> says: Καὶ εἰς τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ Ἅγιον, τὸ κύριον, τὸ ζῳοποιόν, τὸ ἐκ τοῦ Πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον, formula defended in the East, in its most rigorous sense, by Gregory of Palamas, while from the eleventh century are emerging in the Western <em>Creed</em> the expression: <em>et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum and vivificantem: qui ex Patre <strong>Filioque</strong> procedit</em>, formula defended especially by Thomas Aquinas. The theme of this paper will focus on the reception of a text of Athanasius of Alexandria (298/299-373), which allows us to argue both positions biblically and theologically.</p> Lucian DÎNCĂ Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 43 63 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.03 Canonical Reflection on the Impact of Dolus on Juridical Acts in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law <p>It is well known that in many respects the 1917 Code of Canon Law, also known as the Pio-Benedictin Code of Canon Law, is an important source for understanding canonical legislation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. This is also true when it comes to canonical legislation concerning juridical acts as well as that concerning the impact of <em>dolus</em> on juridical acts. It is for this very reason that the aim of the present paper is to provide a reflection on the impact of <em>dolus</em> on legal acts in the light of the legislation of the 1917 Code of Canon Law. The starting point for the reflection is the general norm on the impact of <em>dolus</em> on legal acts, which is laid down in canon 103, § 2 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law. As is well known, canon law in general does not contain definitions of the terms used. This is also true when it comes to <em>dolus</em>. The 1917 Code of Canon Law does not provide a definition of <em>dolus</em>, but entrusts this task to canonical commentators. Canonical literature has developed several definitions of <em>dolus</em>, which are included in this paper. The work also contains an analysis of the essential elements of <em>dolus</em>, then continues with a presentation of the division of <em>dolus</em> and the legal effects of <em>dolus</em> on juridical acts. All this contributes to a good understanding of <em>dolus</em> and its impact on legal acts in the Code.</p> Eduard GIURGI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 65 90 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.04 Crisis Communication in the Church and pastoral Dimensions The author presents an understanding of crisis communication in the Church, especially the theological and pastoral method, considering the teachings of Popes John Paul II and Francis, as well as based on the research and experience of foreign theologians. The Church is also potentially a victim of critical issues, especially in times of war, which is why the author will try to deepen the relationship between ecclesiastical institutions and their influence on the worldview of the faithful, underlining communication aspects and relationships with the mass media. Undoubtedly the absolute prerogative of the Church is the announcement of the Good News and the Truth. The rejection of communication and responsibility is not only an escape from real threats, but also a rejection of people who seek God through the voice of the Church. Therefore, the study of crisis communication in the Church, considering social communication and the challenges of war, ethical relativism, the mass media’s distorted vision of the Church: this is the task of ecclesiastical educational institutions in the modern world. Ivan HLOVA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 91 114 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.05 Alcune note sul sacramento della penitenza celebrato in rito armeno <p><strong><em>Some notes regarding the Sacrament of Penance in the Armenian rite</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong> The authors, the first of whom is “vardapet”, or “master priest” of the Armenian Mekhitarist Congregation, the second an Armenian scholar and graduate of the Armenian Academy of San Lazzaro in Venice, intended to present succinctly some characteristics, especially ritual, concerning the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation as it is conferred in the Armenian Church.</p> <p>Passages of Scripture are cited in which the Saviour gives the Church the <em>potestas</em> to grant forgiveness to the faithful.</p> <p>Reference is made to various situations present in Sacred Scripture and to the magnanimity of the Saviour who grants forgiveness, for example the forgiveness of the Good Thief who recognizes his own sins and turns, aware of his life as a sinner, to the Saviour, who suffered for us on the Cross, in order to be “remembered” in the Kingdom of Heaven. And Jesus assures him that he would be with Him in paradise.</p> <p>The authors emphasize the importance of profound change, called “change of mentality” or “metanoia”.</p> <p>After some historical remarks, the authors make references to the Liturgy and the Scripture in order to help the reader to meditate on the great gift of forgiveness, one of the greatest given by the Saviour before ascending to heaven and leaving us not alone, but in the shadow of his merciful love.</p> <p>There is also no lack, even if offered in a succinct way, of references to other traditions in which the faithful, recognizing their sins, turn to God for his forgiveness. Among the characters mentioned in these pages, Manasses cannot be missing, he who changed his mentality to get closer to God, while recognizing the serious sins he has committed.</p> <p>In the appendix there are some passages, including that of the ARJAKUMN (ABSOLUTION), which help us to understand the state of sin and the longing to escape from a road that leads to death, also because we have allowed ourselves to be enchanted by the one who, in many Eastern traditions, is not even mentioned, that is, Satan.</p> <p>Among the various prayers, the recognition of involuntary sins is also striking, a recognition that the faithful make before the priest pronounces the words of absolution. Among the authors mentioned, Saint Nersès the Gracious, Patriarch of the Armenians (1102-1173), is particularly remembered.</p> Hamazasp KECHICHIAN Giuseppe MUNARINI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 115 135 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.06 Il Figlio nel suo rapporto con il Padre. Per una nuova umanità <p>The intent of this study, <em>The Son in his relationship with the Father. For a new humanity</em> consists in highlighting the founding aspect of the Christological mystery, which lies in the structure of Crist’s subjectivity of being and behaving as the Son of God in vital relationship with the Father both at the divine and human levels. This constitutes its unmistakable and absolute identity, which is indicated by the New Testament texts, by some magisterial pronouncements and by the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. From human participation in divine filiation derives a new anthropological and moral vision of human existence and living.</p> Giovanni KOSTKO Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 137 175 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.07 The Interpretation of the Religiosity of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II in the Light of Jansenism The article highlights the teachings of Cornelius Jansen that influenced the Transylvanian prince Francis II Rákóczi. It focuses on the Prince's Memoirs and Confessions and draws parallels between the Jansen-Augustin church father and Francis II Rákóczi. Although the prince did not openly declare himself a Jansenist, we can nevertheless trace the basic tenets of Cornelius Jansen in him. Olga LUKÁCS Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 177 197 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.08 The eschatological Criterion <p>This paper establishes an eschatological criterion as a principle of comprehending history through its totalization. We argue that the opposition between relativism and reason can be fully grasped only from an eschatological standpoint. Postmodernism was associated with “post-historical” relativism epitomized in deconstruction as dissolution of all criteria. But the eschatological meaning of postmodernity is ultimately an epochal confusion that will culminate in a “church without an essence”. To more concretely thematize such a church we devised a political-theological analysis of the <em>Apocalypse.</em></p> Vlad MUREŞAN Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Theologia Catholica 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 199 213 10.24193/theol.cath.2023.09