Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica <p><strong>ISSN (print):</strong> 1582-5418<br /><strong>ISSN (online):</strong> 2065-9482<br /><strong>ISSN-L:</strong> 2065-9482<br /><strong>Subject:</strong> Theological Journal<br /><strong>Text in: </strong>English, German, French, Hungarian<br /><strong>Abstract and Keywords in:</strong> English <br /><strong>Year of the first edition: </strong>2001 <br /><strong>Periodicity: </strong>half-yearly (June, December)<br /><strong>Type of the publication: </strong>scientific/academic <br /><strong>Editors: </strong><br />Prof. Dr. Olga LUKÁCS, Associate Prof. Dr. Sarolta PÜSÖK, Lecturer Dr. Alpár Csaba NAGY<br />Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca<br />Contact: <a href=""></a><br /><strong>Fully Open Access: Yes</strong><strong><br />Publication fees:</strong> <strong>None</strong></p> Babeș-Bolyai University / Cluj University Press en-US Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 1582-5418 Recenzió Alain Badiou: Lét és esemény, L’Harmattan, Budapest 2022, 508 oldal Alain Badiou munkássága magyar nyelvterületen talán kevéssé ismert. Életművének középpontjában a filozófia, a politika és a matematika áll. Badiou-t egész fiatal kora óta foglalkoztatják a radikális baloldali eszmék; az Egységes Szocialista Párt (PSU) egyik alapító tagja volt. Ptolemaiosz híres munkájára rímel első regénye, az Almagestest (1964); írt etikai művet (Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil) és, korrekt baloldali gondolkodó lévén, írt kommentárt Platón Államához (Plato’s Republic: A Dialogue in Sixteen Chapters). Munkásságát erősen befolyásolta a strukturalizmus és a marxizmus; sajátos filozófiai rendszerében az események és az igazság fogalmait elemzi és értelmezi. Kristóf LEGÉNDY Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 404 408 Cristian BARTA, Biserica Greco-Catolică din România. Identitate ecleziologică și statut canonic [The Romanian Greek Catholic Church. Ecclesiological Identity and Canonical Status], Bucharest: Editura Arhiepiscopiei Romano-Catolice, 2023, 302 p. <p>Cristian Barta’s <em>The Romanian Greek Catholic Church. Ecclesiological Identity and Canonical Status</em> is a careful, balanced, and thorough scholarly investigation into a topic with far-reaching ecumenical implications. The book is undoubtedly an original contribution to the Romanian theological discourse, as it combines historical chronicle, canonical analysis, and systematic reflection on, practically, the <em>meaning</em> of the Romanian United Church with Rome, in its passage through time and in its present situation.</p> Fr. Alin VARA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 409 412 Călin Ioan DUȘE, Imperiul Roman și creștinismul în timpul Sfântului Ignatie Teoforul, Episcopul Antiohiei [The Roman Empire and Christianity during the Time of Saint Ignatius Theophorus, Bishop of Antioch], Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2022, 510 p. <p>The work <em>The Roman Empire and Christianity during the Time of Saint Ignatius Theophorus, Bishop of Antioch</em>, elaborated by Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr Călin Ioan DUȘE from the Faculty of Greek Catholic Theology, Department of Oradea, Babeș–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, is part of a restorative process in Romanian theology. This is in the sense of the need to delve into a significant aspect during the life of Saint Ignatius Theophorus. Hence the importance of this editorial endeavour. The present work is dedicated to Saint Ignatius of Antioch’s life, works, and teachings, also known as Theophorus, the God-bearer.</p> Marius TELEA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 413 416 Călin Ioan DUȘE, Imperiul Roman și creștinismul în secolul I [The Roman Empire and Christianity in the 1ˢᵗ Century], Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2023, 836 p. <p>The work of Father University Lecturer, Dr. Călin Ioan Dușe, bearing the title <em>The Roman Empire and Christianity in the 1<sup>st</sup> Century</em>, is part of the author’s concern to highlight the connection between the Roman Empire and the establishment of Christianity in the world. Christianity spread mainly due to the conditions offered by the Roman Empire, and those who preached the new teaching in the first centuries of the Christian era benefited from the protection offered by the Roman administration, but also by the infrastructure of the Empire.</p> <p> </p> Marius TELEA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 417 420 Praxis pietatis, avagy a kegyesség gyakorlata. Hit és cselekedet kapcsolata az Újszövetségben – egy hatástörténeti csomópontból nézve <p><strong><em>Praxis Pietatis, or the Practice of Piety: The Relationship between Faith and Deeds in the New Testament </em></strong><strong><em>─</em></strong><strong><em> From the Perspective <br />of a Historical Impact Point</em></strong></p> <p>This article delves into the intricate relationship between faith and deeds as it pertains to the teachings of the New Testament, drawing from the legacy of the Reformation. It emphasizes the necessity of re-evaluating church doctrine based on the foundation of the Scripture. However, it recognizes that understanding the message of the Scripture is not an objective, detached process but rather one that is deeply entwined with individual religious experiences and interpretations. The dynamic interaction between faith and the tangible, visible world shapes our comprehension of the Bible’s words and meanings.</p> <p>The complex interplay of faith and deeds is recognized, as various denominations stress different aspects of biblical teachings. The role of faith in the New Testament is not solely to lead to salvation; it also establishes a framework for the believer’s relationship with good deeds, setting it within a temporal framework. The New Testament understanding of salvation, whether it is eternal life or the acquisition of God’s kingdom, is framed by the faith of God’s chosen people, and this faith presupposes the intervention of God. Thus, faith cannot be separated from God’s action, making it the foundation for understanding good deeds.</p> Gergely HANULA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 10 23 10.24193/subbtref.68.2.01 A Survey of Female Heroism in Jewish Tradition Did warrior heroines exist in the Hebrew tradition? The answer is a seemingly reassuring yes, but the paper shows that the topos of female heroism was not a popular theme in Jewish tradition. To imagine ancient war scenes according to depictions in modern media can be misleading; the central purpose of this brief survey is to give a glimpse into this topic. Előd HODOSSY-TAKÁCS Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 24 38 10.24193/subbtref.68.2.02 Ószövetségi teológia és ókori vallástörténet. A 11. zsoltár <p><strong>Old Testament Theology and the Religion of the Ancient Near East </strong></p> <p>The study discusses how mythical elements of the Ancient Near East have entered Old Testament theology and how they are placed within the statements of Old Testament faith. As an example, Psalm 11 is tackled with which originally was explained by exegetes as an individual lament. It turns out that the pivotal term, God’s throne, originated in the mythology of the Ancient Near East, but in its actual place it represents the presence of the God of Israel amongst His people.</p> István KARASSZON Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 39 47 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.03 Wie hat Paulus die Schrift verwendet – am Beispiel von 1Kor 1,26–31. <p><strong>How did Paul use the Scriptures - using the example of 1 Corinthians 1:26-31? </strong></p> <p>We have chosen 1Cor for our study because we find no reference to external attacks on the Apostle in this letter. We may therefore assume that Paul used the Old Testament “freely” in his argumentation. Although the apostle was now forced to communicate with the congregation by letter, he nevertheless reminded them of his teaching fifteen times by means of various Old Testament quotations, which obviously referred back to his sermons, or he wished to use them to emphasize the vitality and reality of the dialogue. In our study, we are not looking for an answer to the question of how the first readers of the letter understood these quotations. We do not want to answer the question of how literal the quotations are or on which text they are based. Rather, we want to use a specific text to approach the question of how Paul used these Old Testament references in his argumentation. To do this, we will look at a specific passage, namely 1Cor 1:26–31.</p> Viktor KÓKAI-NAGY Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 48 64 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.04 Egyéni panaszzsoltárok jelentősége az istentiszteleti gyakorlatban <p><strong><em>The Importance of Individual Lament Psalms in Worship Practice</em></strong></p> <p>The theological significance of individual lament songs lies primarily in their giving voice to suffering. Despite the complaint, the sufferer does not turn away from God since the centre of human existence is God. Suffering does not rule out the connection with God but rather confirms it. The lament has by now lost its original meaning and has received a negative report, as in the eyes of today’s humanity complaint is an expression of unbelief and a distrustful attitude. This aspect, the importance of lament songs, has been ignored by scholars until now. However, the predominance of lament songs in the Book of Psalms means that the issue of complaint is not something marginal or unusual but an important element of faith. One of the most important characteristics of this genre is the sudden change of mood, when the complaint unexpectedly turns into praise. This poetic form involves the transition from hopelessness to joy, for the form not only contains a description of the problem but also the solution to it as well. In a world that has become desensitized, it is important to use these psalms.</p> Enikő Hajnalka KOVÁCS Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 65 75 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.05 Nemeshegyi Péter SJ mint a Szentírás magyarázója <p><strong><em>Péter Nemeshegyi SJ Interpreter of the Scripture</em></strong></p> <p>The one hundredth birthday of Péter Nemeshegyi SJ was celebrated with a conference by members of the Hungarian Jesuit order on 25 March 2023. On this occasion, I was asked to appraise this excellent theologian as the interpreter of the Bible. One of Father Nemeshegyi’s most important foreign mission assignments during the decades he spent in Japan was his work in the Japanese ecumenical Bible translation. His experience and impressions during this work provide encouragement and guidance to those involved in a similar enterprise in Hungary. Péter Nemeshegyi was a true Catholic interpreter of the Bible, who believed that the Biblical tradition of the church brings parts of the Holy Scriptures that seem contradictory or difficult to a higher level of synthesis. His favourite hermeneutical starting point was the assumption of God’s goodness in every interpretation of the Scriptures, as well as the Christological principle, which he may have adopted from St Augustine. He taught about the Bible very effectively and creatively in various cultural environments (such as Japan or other East Asian countries) because he always found the fitting inculturation aspects of the Gospel and used them in both his teaching and application.</p> Ottó PECSUK Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 76 88 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.06 A Concise Assessment of Dutch Ecclesiastical and Theological Impacts on Jenő Sebestyén’s Thinking <p>Jenő Sebestyén, professor of systematic theology from Budapest, is often portrayed as the founding father of historical Calvinism in Hungary. The theological movement exhibits clearly a Dutch impact. He is often seen as a Kuyperian scholar who disseminated the famous Dutch theologian and churchman’s idea amongst Hungarian Reformed people. The current paper seeks to examine whether this statement is true in regard to his systematic theological thinking. By performing a statistical examination of the references found in his magnum opus, <em>Református Dogmatika</em> [Reformed Dogmatics], a surprising discovery was made. Herman Bavinck was cited more than Abraham Kuyper. Besides, it is also proved that other Dutch theologians, such as Jan Jacob van Oosterzee and Eskelhoff Gravemeyer, not to mention Louis Berkhof, also made an impact on the formation of idea about Reformed doctrine. Therefore, as far as his book on dogmatics is concerned, the research shows a far more nuanced picture of the impact made on him. The paper highlighted that his presentation as merely a Kuyperian scholar is a simplification.</p> Ábrahám KOVÁCS László SZABÓ Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 89 115 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.07 A kötelességteljesítő protestáns etika, a szolgáló lelkület életpéldája. Balogh Jenő (1864–1953) jogászprofesszor személyes adatai és életútja <p><strong><em>A Protestant Ethic of Duty, a Living Example of a Serving Spirit</em></strong><strong><br /></strong><em>Biography of Law Professor Jenő Balogh (1864–1953)</em></p> <p>Our publication is part of a larger prosopographical study of the careers of Calvinist university professors belonging to the Hungarian knowledge elite in the bourgeois era (1848–1944). Jenő Balogh, a professor of law, was an academic researcher, a ministerial legislator seeking new paths, a teacher of modern disciplines, a minister in difficult times, and the General Secretary of the Academy. For decades, he held leading positions in the Calvinist Church of Hungary. His way of life and his work were determined by a Puritan Christian worldview brought from his family and by a dutiful Protestant ethic.</p> Gábor KOVÁCS Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 116 130 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.08 A nők teológiai képzésének első száz éve Kolozsváron <p><strong><em>The First Hundred Years of Women’s Theological Education </em></strong><strong><em>in Cluj-Napoca</em></strong></p> <p>The initial topic of the study at hand addresses the beginnings. In terms of women’s education, one of the positive effects of the Reformation is the insistence on the widespread availability of the Bible, which was inevitably followed by the eradication of illiteracy among women. Following the Reformation, another argument emerged in favour of the importance of educating women in theology: society regarded women as a key role in raising children, so in order to raise their children educated in theology, their ability to do so became a priority. The second topic addresses the direct preconditions of the theological education of women, especially the changes in the 19<sup>th</sup>-century school history, which resulted in women’s admission to universities and opening up the opportunity for them to obtain degrees in higher education. Furthermore, the study presents the past hundred years of women’s education in theology in the Protestant educational centres of Cluj-Napoca – from the first enrolment, the first ordained woman minister up to the present time.</p> Sarolta PÜSÖK Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 131 156 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.09 A homiletika oktatás kezdetei a pesti teológián, Székács József kéziratainak tükrében <p><strong><em>The Beginning of Homiletics Education at the Theology in Pest, in the Light of the Manuscripts of József Székács</em></strong></p> <p>The Faculty of Theology in Pest opened its doors in 1855. The institution cooperated with the Lutheran Church in the first ten years. During this time, future Lutheran Bishop József Székács led the studies of homiletics. This data can be found in the Ráday Archives with the list of professors and popular study books they used. We also discovered the fact from the timetables that Székács taught homiletics practice to four different grades at the same time, usually at his parish.</p> <p>We can find Székács’s heritage in the National Lutheran Archives, such as his letters, notes, sermons, and so on. I carried out research on his homiletics manuscripts, from which I would like to highlight his memo titled <em>A gyakorlati homiletika alapja 1858/9</em> [The Journal of Practical Homiletics 1858/9]. The memo includes recommendations for his students about preaching preparations for Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter. Székács’s work is particularly pragmatic, and therefore it successfully guides the pastor students through the steps of preparing a good sermon.</p> Szabolcs SZETEY Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 157 166 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.10 Widows’ and Orphans’ Funds at the End of the 18 ᵗʰ Century. An Attempt of the Békés Reformed Diocese to Establish a Widows’ and Orphan’ Fund Ádám HEGYI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 167 178 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.11 A Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem megalapításának története <p><strong><em>The History of the Foundation of Károli Gáspár Reformed University</em></strong></p> <p>Plans to found a Hungarian Reformed university in Transylvania were conceived during the reigns of princes Gábor Bethlen (1622) and Ákos Barcsai (1658, then at the initiative of János Apáczai Csere), but unfortunately external circumstances prevented the establishment of such a university. At the end of the 18<sup>th</sup> century, the idea was raised again in Pest (József Vay, 1796). However, the circumstances made it only possible to establish a joint Evangelical-Reformed theological faculty (Pál Török, Theological Academy of Pest, 1855). In 1993, under the more favourable conditions of the regime change, the longed-for university could be founded, with the merger of the Theological Academy and the Teachers’ College of Nagykőrös and the establishment of a faculty of humanities in Budapest. Our study presents the circumstances, processes, debates, and key personalities behind the founding of the university 30 years ago.</p> Gábor LÁNYI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 179 205 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.12 Gamifikáció a hitoktatásban <p><strong><em>Gamification in Religious Education</em></strong></p> <p>In its first part, the study describes what definitions were created to define the notion of “game” and what characteristics of it can be observed. The second part shows the place of game itself in religious education, and the reason why it is useful if included in the practice of religious education. The third part revolves around the concept of gamification and points out the differences between games and gamification. The fourth part deals with the applicability of gamification in religious education, in which, in addition to theory, practice also appears. The two authors would like to answer the questions raised in the study <em>Possible Forms of Gamification in School Catechesis</em> published in 2019. On the one hand, with the involvement of the young people of the Reformed Church in Martos, who are preparing for confirmation, the Text Eater program (application) designed for them, which tries to facilitate learning the answers to the questions of the Catechism, is evaluated based on practice. On the other hand, with the involvement of the pupils of the Reformed Elementary School with Hungarian as the Language of Instruction in Martos, the gamification evaluation is assessed pertaining to its use in religious education, as a second potential gamification tool.</p> Lilla SZÉNÁSI Levente SZÉNÁSI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 206 220 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.13 A vallásosság összefüggései a mentális egészséggel és a jólléttel a Covid-19 világjárvány idején <p><strong><em>The Relationship of Religiosity with Mental Health and </em></strong><strong><em>Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic</em></strong></p> <p>The relationship between religiosity and mental health is a popular area of research in the psychology of religion. A considerable body of research supports the positive effects of religion on both psychological and physical well-being. The present research aimed to explore the links between these areas during the coronavirus pandemic. In our quantitative online study, we analysed data from 2,269 (1,022 men and 1,407 women, mean age 43 years, SD = 16–95 years) healthy individuals aged 16 years and over. A complete test battery was used for the analysis, including the DUREL Religiousness Questionnaire and the PHS-WB General Well-Being Scale, as well as a question on faith in God. Our results show that our dimensions of religiosity: belief in God, institutional and non-institutional religiosity, and intrinsic orientation are positively related to two dimensions of general well-being, mental and social well-being. Those who regularly practise their religion in an institutional setting, report significantly better mental and social well-being than those who are not regular religious practitioners.</p> Judit RIXER Andrea FERENCZI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 221 245 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.14 Pastoral Aspects of the Occasional Services This study examines the casualias as central to the ministry of the church from the perspective of pastoral care. At the root of the casualias is ritual, which, according to Emile Durkheim, has as its true function the strengthening and maintenance of group cohesion and solidarity, the expression of unity, the weaving of bonds between the individual and society. Pastoral psychology studies of casualias have shown that they play an important role in the community and relational experience, as communication and correlation take place between the transcendent and the human, between man and man: the individual is strengthened and experiences the welcoming, supportive, and helping presence of the community. The individual is no longer alone with his or her problems and difficulties, as he or she has a burden-relieving experience of being in contact with the community. This connection is not only embodied in words but also brought to life through non-verbal moments and ancient symbols. I will point out that providing help, according to pastoral psychology, is a communal task, which is why rituals and casualias have therapeutic and pastoral care potential. Lajos KIRÁLY Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 246 262 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.15 A barátságkaraván jelensége és jelentősége az életben <p><strong><em>The Phenomenon of the Caravan of Friendship and Its Importance in Life</em></strong></p> <p>In this academic essay, I invite the reader to think about our human relationships, our friendships: who are the supporters and allies in our lives? How are friendships born and why do they fade away? What do we need to strengthen our friendships and to become people who are seen as supporters by others? The way we make friends throughout our lives depends on our personality, our gender, our age, and our socio-cultural environment. Our network of relationships needs to include family, friends, home, and work. Our network of friends may also change from time to time, for example, when we move to a new place or change jobs. As the distances between connections increase, so do the number of people with whom we can no longer have deeper relationships.</p> <p>In this paper, we look at the basic dynamics of relationships and how friendship patterns change with age. The paper concludes with a brief theological reflection on friendship.</p> Balázs SIBA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 263 282 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.16 Mi van a megtérésen túl? I. rész: A lelki formálódás teológiai alapjai <p><strong><em>What is beyond conversion? </em></strong><em>Part I. </em><em>The theological foundations of spiritual formation</em></p> <p>Both the soullessness of our times, the spiritual overheating, and the unfolding pragmatism in the field of spiritual life call for practical theology to reflect on the field of spiritual formation. In our Church, in our congregations, evangelization, the call to conversion, is still at the heart of the matter. Little is said about what is or what should be after conversion? In this paper, we will reflect theologically on the subject of spiritual formation. We will examine the <em>ordo salutis</em> discussed in classical dogmatics, and within it the interpretations of justification, conversion, and regeneration. Finally, we will explore the theme of sanctification, what is the responsibility of man in the process of spiritual formation according to the Reformed theological approach.</p> Lilla SZABÓNÉ LÁSZLÓ Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 283 293 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.17 Előszó a Pasztorálpszichológiai Szakkonferencia anyagához A kolozsvári Babeș–Bolyai Tudományegyetem Református Tanárképző és Zeneművészeti Karán az Alkalmazott Teológia Mesteri képzés során valláspedagógusok, lelkészek, segítő foglalkozású szakemberek nyernek bevezetést egy kétéves program keretében a pasztorálpszichológia alapjaiba. A 2004–2005-ös tanévben beindított és azóta folyamatosan működő mesterképzést elvégző diákok száma ebben az évben meghaladta a kétszázat. A végzettek körében gyakran kifejezett igény fogalmazódott meg: létrehozni egy szakmai fórumot, ahol az érdeklődő és hasonló szakterületen munkálkodó szakemberek találkozhatnak, tapasztalatot cserélhetnek, szakismeretüket felfrissíthetik. Gabriella GORBAI Szabolcs KOVÁCS Sarolta PÜSÖK Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 294 294 Lelkigondozás és pasztorálpszichológia – átfedések és különbségek <p><strong><em>Pastoral Care and Pastoral Psychology – Overlaps and Differences</em></strong></p> <p>Pastoral psychology suffers from a chronic identity crisis. It wants to be a theological science while at the same time meeting the criteria for the scientific practice of psychology. Is there a way to maintain this dual identity? Only if we assume that beliefs play an enormous role in understanding and modifying human experience and behaviour. Beliefs are assumptions about the meaning of reality. They have both psychological and theological aspects. Pastoral psychology examines how psychological explanations can be linked to the insights of the Christian faith in understanding and modifying the processes of interpreting reality. For pastoral care, it develops approaches and offers methods for helping people from the perspective of the Christian faith to evaluate themselves realistically, to shape their social relationships positively, and to relate constructively to events that affect their lives.</p> Dávid NÉMETH Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 295 311 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.18 Ha ketten csinálják ugyanazt, nem ugyanaz – a segítés női és férfi mintázatai <p><strong><em>If Two Do the Same Thing, It Is Not the Same Thing – Male and Female Patterns of Helping</em></strong></p> <p>It is assumed that a professional’ gender has a decisive influence on the need for help, the way of providing help, and the helping relationship. Our aim is to sensitize pastoral care workers and other helping professionals to this perception and conscious recognition. In connection with our topic, we will make some points that we recommend to be mindful of. We will take into account what the theory of science points out: in the studies and theses of the social sciences and humanities, the researcher and the object of research are “structurally identical”.</p> <p>We will discuss the deforming effects of masculine dominance and some of its implications for the history of science, theology, and the practice theory of helping. Then we discuss the reality of the correlative determination of identity.</p> <p>We will point out that the far-reaching disregard of feminine and masculine patterns of helping is not unique to pastoral care. A similar omission can be observed in the fields of medicine and psychotherapy training.</p> <p>Finally, attention is drawn to practical aspects relevant to pastoral care.</p> Gábor HÉZSER Mónika KRASZNAY Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 312 333 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.19 A logoterápia és az emberi életérték „mégis” öröme. Avagy boldoggá tehet-e az életértelem? <p><strong><em>Logotherapy and the „Defiant” Joy of Human Life-Value. Or Can the Meaning of Life Make You Happy?</em></strong></p> <p>The starting point for this paper is the anthropology of Viktor E. Frankl, which, in addition to the physical and psychological dimensions, also considers the third one, the spiritual dimension of human being. Frankl believes that the most important motivation of man is to be found in his constant search for the meaning of life. In this context, the research question posed in this paper is: can finding concrete answers to the question of the meaning of life make man happy? In the first part of the paper, the concepts of “pleasure”, “joy”, and “happiness” are distinguished in the light of Frankl’s writings. In the second section, and in the light of the initial question posed, we come to the realization that the most important characteristic of people who have emerged unscathed from the most adverse circumstances is a kind of individualism and a strong sense of purpose, which, unlike narcissism and egocentrism of any kind, can forget itself. These are the people who have found joy in situations that ordinary people would have found unbearable.</p> János VIK Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 334 348 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.20 A terápiás közösség átkeretező és átformáló ereje – Kiselőadás <p><strong><em>The Framing and Transforming Power of the Therapeutic Community</em></strong><em> – Workshop</em></p> <p>One of the most effective methods for treating addiction is to follow recovery programmes in therapeutic communities, which are drug-free environments where people with addictions (or other problems) live together in an organized and structured way to support change and enable drug-free living in the outside community, outside the confines of the programme. The mutually supportive presence of people in the therapeutic community, using a competence-building, encounter method, allows for the cognitive reframing of thought and life experience patterns, which is an essential ingredient of successful recovery and substance-free living.</p> Éva BARTHA Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 349 361 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.21 A befogadó közösség, avagy lelkigondozás másként? – Kiselőadás <p><strong><em>Receptive Community or a Different Kind of Pastoral Care? </em></strong><em>– Workshop</em></p> <p>Inclusive attitude can be learned and taught at the same time. We are provided with plenty of chances to acquire it personally, as individuals, particularly in the context of the natural encounters and relationships born out of the everyday realities of our lives. However, it can be learnt as a community as well – how to become a home to those who are “special” in a certain way. As a pastoral care worker, too, taking those internal and external steps leading from compassion to participation is a key learning task of acceptance and inclusion.</p> Lídia BERSZÁN Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 362 370 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.22 Erőszakmentes kommunikáció és az erőszak terei – Kiselőadás <p><strong><em>Spaces of Violence and Communication</em></strong><em> – Workshop</em></p> <p>Theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of violence call forth hope: perhaps violence will be eradicated one day and life will be more liveable and beautiful on this planet. But violence is an accessible and therefore very attractive position of action for all, and we no longer consider it an “occupational accident” or an “extreme case”. Anyone who wants to know what is going on when people become violent towards each other, they need to find answers to the question why people cross even strong boundaries to hurt or kill others. Why is it so hard to stop any kind of war despite the terrible consequences? What does it mean to live in “spaces of violence” (Jörg Baberowski), and what role does communication play in their formation and maintenance?</p> Klára KIS Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 371 385 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.23 A lelkészi munkavégzés határkérdései – Kiselőadás <p><strong><em>Boundary Issues of Pastoral Work – </em></strong><em>Workshop</em></p> <p>In this work, I discuss the boundary issues of pastoral work. I am convinced that the competence of priests/pastors is limited to a certain level. We must be able to recognize our limits and at the same time experience the process of development.</p> <p>There are two sides of the personal well-being of pastors. One is the existence of ideal pastoral accompaniment competencies, which means meeting the criteria of a mature professional personality. Another point is to see through the illusion of perfection to form a realistic image of what a “good enough” pastor can be like. The way to do this is if the studies, practical experiences, and experiences that enrich the personality grow into the pastor’s work, constantly keeping in mind that by accepting the help and guidance of others, if necessary, he is able to turn his own shortcomings and weaknesses into resources.</p> László MAKKAI Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 386 403 10.24193/subbtref.2023.2.24 Prof. ThDr. Kocsev Miklós méltatása hetvenedik születésnapján <p><strong>Kedves Kocsev Miklós professzor úr!</strong></p> <p>Vannak emberek, akikre úgy emlékezünk, hogy sokat beszéltek. Terád, kedves Miklós, a mély, diszkrét hallgatásod miatt fogunk emlékezni. Az első találkozásunk a <em>Healing of Memories</em> projekt keretében történt. Te mint a Gyökössy Endre Lelkigondozói és Szupervízori Intézet<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> főmunkatársa elvállaltad, hogy minket, magyarokat és románokat, közös továbbképző keretében, közelebb viszel egymáshoz a csoportvezetés interkulturális közegében.</p> <p><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> Az intézetet 2005-ben alapították a Károli Gáspár Egyetem Hittudományi Karán.</p> Olga LUKÁCS Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 7 9