
  • Viktoria KOVÁCSNÉ BOBÁLY University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Hungary.
  • Alekszandra MAKAI University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Hungary
  • Gabriella KISS University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Hungary.
  • Máte MARKUS University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Hungary
  • Katalin EKLICSNÉ LEPENYE University of Pécs, Medical School, Department of Languages for Specific Purposes, Hungary
  • Ágnes SIMON-UGRON Babes-Bolyai” University, Physical Education and Sports Faculty, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Melinda JAROMI University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Hungary.


dance, low back pain, posture, core muscles


Background. To assess habitual postures as well as postures considered correct by dancers of different styles, and the intensity of their (low) back pain. To examine spinal functional status, strength and flexibility of core muscles necessary for correct posture and lumbar motor control skills. Our hypothesis is that lower back pain and deviation in the functional status of the spine are more common among dancers aged 9-18 than in the average population, or other sportsmen. Despite regular trainings, weakness is observed in muscles needed for correct posture. Methods. Our survey sample consists of members of three different dance genres. Groups examined include a classic ballet, a hip-hop dance and a ballroom dance group (n=92, mean age:14.15± 2.96). Examination of habitual postures and postures considered correct was performed by a photogrammetric test, while the intensity of low back pain was measured by a visual analogue scale, and the Roland-Morris questionnaire. Lumbar motor control skills were examined by sitting forward lean test and the strength of core muscles by the core test. Results. In posture analysis significant difference was found in anterior view of the posture considered correct; ballroom dancers showed significantly better posture (p=0. 038), than the other two groups examined. During the examination of low back pain intensity by a visual analogue scale ballroom dancers reported about the negative effect of pain on performance to a significantly higher degree (p=0.019). Core test demonstrated significantly better core muscle strength among ballroom dancers (p=0.000), than in the other two groups. Conclusion. Neither habitual, nor the posture considered correct of the dancers meet the requirements of the biomechanically correct posture. Low back pain manifests at an early age among dancers affecting their performance. Lumbar motor control skills and core muscle strength are inadequate despite regular exercise.


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How to Cite

KOVÁCSNÉ BOBÁLY, V., MAKAI, A., KISS, G., MARKUS, M., EKLICSNÉ LEPENYE, K., SIMON-UGRON, Ágnes, & JAROMI, M. (2016). CORE MUSCLE ASSESSMENT OF DANCERS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Educatio Artis Gymnasticae, 61(2), 31–47. Retrieved from




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