


Adolescence, Health Promotion, Health Prevention, Motor Abilities, Physical Education.


Physical activities promotion in developmental age is a public health priority and numerous studies highlight the benefits of various structured and unstructured activities for the prevention of non-communicable diseases and health promotion. Curricular physical education in secondary school offers several and different opportunities to practice physical activities that help promoting learning competences, complying with international guidelines on physical activity and acquiring correct lifestyles. Increasing levels of daily physical activity as well as the development of motor skills are a specific curricular area necessary to structure the conditions for motor learning and the premises for the continuation of sports and physical activities in extracurricular hours. Unfortunately, environmental and socio-cultural characteristics in Italy contribute to increase sedentary habits, limit opportunities to practice unstructured physical activities and lead to a reduction in motor performance. The aim of the following paper is to present the project of the University of Foggia in Italy aimed at systematic monitoring the adolescents’ levels of physical activity and motor development. The Regional Observatory at the University of Foggia wants to assess motor skills related to health, analyze correlations with body weight and gender differences, compare the results of prevention interventions carried out in school and structure the premises for regional health promotion projects.


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