
  • Bogdan-Alexandru HAGIU Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania,



myofascial pain, joint hypomotility, brachial, piriformis, arthritis


This article establishes the existing correlations between the anatomical location of muscle trigger points and their ability to affect joint mobility. Deeply located muscles, such as the brachialis and piriformis, do not have joint biomechanical consequences when they contain trigger points, but are more difficult to approach therapeutically, in the sense that they require the injection of anesthetics or anti-inflammatories, the maneuver being guided by ultrasound. Theoretically, patients with arthritis are more exposed to being affected by such trigger points. Cervical or temporo-mandibular biomechanical disorders are caused by trigger points in the trapezium, respectively sternocleidomestoid.

REZUMAT. Acest articol stabilește corelațiile existente între localizarea anatomică a punctelor trigger musculare și capacitatea acestora de a afecta mobilitatea articulară. Mușchii situați profund, ca de exemplu brahialul și piriformul, nu au consecințe biomecanice articulare atunci când conțin puncte trigger, dar sunt mai dificil de abordat terapeutic, în sensul că necesită injectarea de anestezice sau antiinflamatorii, manevra fiind ghidată ultrasonic. Teoretic, pacienții cu artrită sunt mai expuși de a fi afectați de astfel de puncte trigger. Afecțiuni biomecanice cervicale sau temporo-mandibulare sunt provocate de punctele trigger din trapez, respectiv sternocleidomestoidieni.

Cuvinte cheie: durere miofascială, hipomotilitate articulară, brahial, piriform, artrită

Received 2023 February 08; Revised 2023 April 21; Accepted 2023 April 24; Available online 2023 May 30; Available print 2023 June 30.


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How to Cite

HAGIU, B.-A. (2023). BIOMECHANICAL AND THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATIONS OF THE ANATOMICAL LOCATION OF TRIGGER POINTS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Educatio Artis Gymnasticae, 68(1), 105–110.


