Examining the Effectiveness of Foreign Coaches in the Hungarian First-class Football Championship


  • Ferenc TARI Hungarian University of Sports Science, Budapest, Hungary. Corresponding author: toth.janos@tf.hu.
  • János TÓTH Hungarian University of Sports Science, Budapest, Hungary. Email: toth.janos@tf.hu.




football, foreign coach, effectiveness.


During my investigation for the current research, I have analyzed the Hungarian First Class Football Championship from the 2014-2015 season up to the 13th round of the 2022-2023 season, all the foreign head coach, taking into account his victories, draws, and defeats. In the 2014-2015 season they took part in 150 matches with 69 wins, 38 draws and 43 defeats. But in the 2015-2016 season they led their teams in 165 matches, where they won 62 wins, 38 draws, and 65 defeats. In the season 2017-2018: 198 games, 80 wins, 51 draws, and 67 defeats. In the season 2018-2019: 41 games, 24 wins, 7 draws, 10 defeats. In the season 2019-2020: 174 games, 80 wins, 39 draws, 54 defeats. In the 2020-2021 season: 117 matches, 59 wins, 24 draws and 34 defeats. In the season 2021-2022: 147 games, 66 wins, 38 draws, and 43 defeats. In the 2022-2023 season I have my results for the 13th round, which are as follows: 53 games, 21 wins, 21 draws, and 18 defeats. And the total of 1045 matches: 461 wins, 256 draws and 328 defeats. According to this data, 44,11 % is the victory rate for foreign coaches during the periods examined. 

Received 2023 May 23; Revised 2023 July 28; Accepted 2023 September 4; Available online 2023 September 30; Available print 2023 November 30


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How to Cite

TARI, F. ., & TÓTH, J. . (2023). Examining the Effectiveness of Foreign Coaches in the Hungarian First-class Football Championship. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Educatio Artis Gymnasticae, 68(3), 85–92. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbeag.68(3).25


