Analysis of the energy security of the Republic of Moldova in the context of accesion and integration to the European Union


  • Nicolae Daniel FITA Lect. Ph.D. Eng., University of Petrosani, Strategic Studies of Energy Security, University street, nr. 20, Petrosani district, Hunedoara County, Romania, (*corresponding author)
  • Liliana SAMOILA Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Petrosani, Strategic Studies of Energy Security, University street, nr. 20, Petrosani district, Hunedoara County, Romania,
  • Dragos PASCULESCU Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Eng., University of Petrosani, Strategic Studies of Energy Security, University street, nr. 20, Petrosani district, Hunedoara County, Romania,
  • Emilia GRIGORIE Ph.D Stud. Eng., University of Petrosani, Strategic Studies of Energy Security, University street, nr. 20, Petrosani district, Hunedoara County, Romania,
  • Raluca GRIGORIE Stud., University of Petrosani, Mining Faculty, University street, nr. 20, Petrosani district, Hunedoara County, Romania,



Energy security, Energy resources, Energy weapon.


Energy security, which is defined by the availability at all times of energy in all its forms, in sufficient quantities and at affordable prices, without unacceptable or irreversible environmental impact, must be the central pillar of the strategic analysis of the national security of the Republic of Moldova, in the context of accession and integration to the European Union. Easy access to energy resources is an essential condition for the security and well-being of Moldovan individuals, businesses and communities. Given the status of the Republic of Moldova as an acceding state to the European Union, which is at the forefront of defense of the entire Euro-Atlantic space against the offensive of the hostile interests of the Russian Federation, the region has become the hottest geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic space for direct confrontation of the interests of the West and East, with a huge potential for escalation to a military conflict. Against this background, the preferred means of threat of the Russian Federation proves to be the energy weapon, used both for the promotion of major economic interests, as well as as as an instrument of influence and political blackmail. Therefore, energy is no longer only a factor of the equation of economic power of the Moldovan state, but also an element of political influence and control, with reflections in the military capabilities. The authors want to analyze the state of energy security regarding the state of energy resources and electricity.


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How to Cite

FITA, N. D., SAMOILA, L., PASCULESCU, D., GRIGORIE, E., & GRIGORIE, R. (2022). Analysis of the energy security of the Republic of Moldova in the context of accesion and integration to the European Union. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 67(1), 45–57.


