A literature review of land title with the aim of maximising the benefits of Blockchain technology in the management of Land Title in Nigeria


  • Adeolu Seun OBAMEHINTI Wellspring University, Irhirhi road Benin city, Nigeria, lebiobamehinti@gmail.com (*corresponding author)
  • Victor EGUAVOEN Wellspring University, Irhirhi road Benin city, Nigeria




blockchain, land regulation, ethereum, smart contract .


Blockchain is a trending technology that has paved way to solving various challenges in different sectors. It has received much interest from researchers over the years, as it is known to be a transparent, secured, no third party and tamper-proof public records repository system for documents, contracts, properties and assets. Land title has been a major challenge in Nigeria due to the fact that existing system, digital archives, used to manage the sector is not effective, thus brought about issues such as, double spending, possibility of tampering, third party interference and non-transparency of operations. Hence the need for blockchain technology. Blockchain has characteristics, such as decentralization, security, immutability, smart contract, it is therefore expected to improve land title management. This paper applies a content-analysis based literature review blockchain technology and existing method of land title in Nigeria. This paper propose five benefits. Blockchain can help to improve proper land record keeping, information transparency, accountability, anonymity and avoidance of double spending.


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How to Cite

OBAMEHINTI, A. S., & EGUAVOEN, V. (2022). A literature review of land title with the aim of maximising the benefits of Blockchain technology in the management of Land Title in Nigeria. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 67(1), 124–135. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbeng.2022.1.12


