Geometry influence of stator and rotor armatures on energy efficiency of induction motors


  • Ion VONCILĂ Conf. Dr. Eng., Dunarea de Jos University, Faculty of Automation, Computers, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Str. Ştiinţei nr. 2, Galaţi - 800146, Romania, (*corresponding author)
  • Elena SELIM Assist. Dr. Eng., Dunarea de Jos University, Faculty of Automation, Computers, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Str. Ştiinţei nr. 2, Galaţi - 800146, Romania,
  • Ion PARASCHIV S.L. Dr. Eng., Dunarea de Jos University, Faculty of Automation, Computers, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Str. Ştiinţei nr. 2, Galaţi - 800146, Romania,



induction motor, energy efficiency, geometrical optimization.


This paper presents the geometry influence of stator and rotor armatures on induction motor energy efficiency. The entire work is analyzed using a Motor-CAD programming environment. In principle, in the first stage, the influence of each armature is distinctly visualized upon loss level, for given effective power and given cooling algorithm through geometry changes that concern aspects related to the dimensions of the ferromagnetic core and the notches practiced within it. Afterwards, in a second stage, a synergistic modification of the induction motor geometry is carried out by cumulating the changes (cooperative effect) at the level of the two armatures, aiming to find the topology that provides – for some given effective power, and cooling algorithm – the highest energy efficiency.


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How to Cite

VONCILĂ, I., SELIM, E., & PARASCHIV, . I. . (2022). Geometry influence of stator and rotor armatures on energy efficiency of induction motors. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 67(1), 268–283.


