Dynamic modeling of defective gears





transmissions, modeling, simulation, calculation methods


The use of geared transmissions has a long history and a rich experience, which has allowed the development of an intense research activity that has led to modern design methods, mostly standardized and execution technologies that have become traditional. As the fundamental sciences have provided more and more in-depth and refined knowledge, namely performance algorithms of optimal synthesis, the design in the field of gear transmissions has evolved by integrating in the calculation methods a growing number of elements. of influence (materials, geometry, dimensional and shape deviations, heat treatments, kinematic, energetic, dynamic factors, etc.). Automated modeling and simulation currently allow the prediction of behavior - from all points of view of a transmission - during operation.


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How to Cite

BLOJU, A.-V., & KORKA, Z.-I. (2021). Dynamic modeling of defective gears. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering, 66(1), 68–79. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbeng.2021.1.7


