
  • Mihai CISTELICAN PhD student, College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.



Ion Brad, Communism, newspapers, Scânteia tineretului, Romania, Romanian Communist Party, monarchy, industrialization.


Author Ion Brad lived most of his life under the Communist regime, starting his career when the Communist system was founded in Romania and retiring in 1989, when the totalitarian system was abolished. This present study aims at analyzing the articles which author and journalist Ion Brad had published for one of the most prominent newspapers during the Communist regime in Romania, in the '60s, Scânteia tineretului. Directed especially at young people but not only, the newspaper reveals the various practices of the Communist state to impose on the collective minds. We have chosen this particular publication and this period of time in Ion Brad's activity because this is when, in our opinion, he did the most intense work in the political journalism. As an author, he wrote hundreds of articles and tens of books in the cultural field. This study can also be helpful for further research on the political issues approached in Scânteia tineretului or even on economic issues, in which one can analyze the reports about the construction of various towns in Romania under the Communist regime.


Constantiniu, Florin, A Sincere History of the Romanian People (O istorie sinceră a poporului român), Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997. (Romanian).

Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe, Report of the 3rd Communist Party Congress (Raport la cel de al III-lea Congres al Partidului Muncitoresc Român), Political Publishing House, Bucharest, 1960, available under (Romanian)

Popescu, Cristian Tudor, Silent film in silent Romania: politics and propaganda in Romanian motion movies (1912-1989), Filmul surd în România mută: politică și propadandă în filmul românesc de ficțiune (1912-1989), Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2011, p. 268 (Romanian)

Rad, Ilie, Conversations with Ion Brad: “spring to fall” April-October 2013, Coversații cu Ion Brad: „din primăvară până-n toamnă” (aprilie-octombrie 2013), Eikon Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2013. (Romanian)

Rad, Ilie (coordinator), Wooden language in press (Limba de lemn în presă), Tritonic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009. (Romanian)

Rad, Ilie (coordinator), Ways to manipulate public opinion: works of the National Symposium on Journalism (Forme ale manipulării opiniei publice: lucrările Simpozionului Național de Jurnalism), Tribuna Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2008. (Romanian)

Sfetcu, Paul, 13 years in Dej’s waiting room (13 ani în anticamera lui Dej), Selection, foreword and notes by Lavinia Betea, The Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000. (Romanian) (accessed on 4.01.2019, Romanian). (accessed on 27.04.2018, at 16:44, Romanian). (accessed on 10.05.2018, at 16: 49, Romanian).


Ion Brad, At times “…love loves itself” (Uneori “...dragostea pe sine se iubește”), in Scânteia tineretului, XV, 2nd series, no. 3297, December 19, 1959, p. 4. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, We were invited to the Palace (Am fost invitați la Palat), in Scânteia tineretului, XV, 2nd series, no. 3308, January 3, 1960, p. 1. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, “Can’t tell if it’s moonlight or it’s daylight, / My beloved walking out” − Women in folklore (“Nu știu, lună-i ori lumină, / Ori mândruța-i prin grădină...” – Chipul femeii în folclor), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3363, March 8, 1960, p. 2. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, And of the artist, as messenger of communist beliefs (Și a artistului, mesager al ideilor comunismului), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3451, June 19, 1960, p. 2. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Each, being the best! (Fiecare, la nivelul celui mai bun!), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3460, June 30, 1960, p. 3. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, To the working class – have a nice rest! (Oamenilor muncii – o odihnă plăcută!), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3482, July 26, 1960, p. 2. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Maturity (Maturitate), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3504, August 20, 1960, p. 1. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, First history lesson (Prima lecție de istorie), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3507, August 25, 1960, p. 2. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Fondly thinking of our group of delegates at UN Assembly. May train engines only pull along peaceful coaches in the world (Cu inima alături de delegația țării noastre la O.N.U. Ca locomotivele să poarte prin lume numai trenuri pașnice), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3526, September16, 1960, p. 3. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, The giants” of our times (“Urieșii” zilelor noastre), in Scânteia tineretului, XVI, 2nd series, no. 3562, October 28, 1960, p. 1. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Well-organized work has good outcomes (Munca bine organizată dă rezultate bune), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3639, January 27, 1961, p. 2. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Worker, pupil and innovator (Muncitor, elev și innovator), in Scânteia tineretului XVII, 2nd series, no. 3639, January 27, 1961, p. 4. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Resonances of the constructing word (Rezonanțele cuvântului constructor), in Scânteia tineretului XVII, 2nd series, no. 3639, January 27, 1961, p. 4. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, I ask and respectfully intervene (“Rog și intervin cu respect...”), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3641, January 29, 1961, p. 1. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, A radiogram for constructors (O radiogramă pentru constructori), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3642, January 31, 1961, p. 3. Romanian)

Ion Brad, “I look at my country today” – New popular poems (“Privesc astăzi țara mea” – Poezii populare noi), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3650, February 9, 1961, p. 3. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, At sea (Ieșirea în larg), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3663, February 24, 1961, p. 3. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, What voters and their candidates have to say (Despre ce vorbesc alegătorii și candidații lor), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3665, February 26, 1961, p. 3. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, At dawn, down Calea Griviței (În zori, pe Calea Griviței), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3672, March 6, 1961, p. 1-2. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Sunday in a Moldavian village (Duminică într-un sat moldovenesc), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3688, March 24, 1961, p. 1. (Romanian)

Ion Brad, Eminescu walked by (Pe aici a trecut Eminescu), in Scânteia tineretului, XVII, 2nd series, no. 3708, April 16, 1961, p. 2. (Romanian).




How to Cite

CISTELICAN, M. (2019). BEING A JOURNALIST IN THE COMMUNIST PRESS OF THE ’60s IN ROMANIA. THE ACTIVITY OF ION BRAD FOR “SCÂNTEIA TINERETULUI” (1960-1962). Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, 64(1), 67–90.


