
  • Constantin TROFIN Assistant Professor PhD, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email: trofin@fspac.ro. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7224-4061


Credibility, influence, editorial independence, media ownership, politics, political communication, public interest, ratings, talk-show, television


Despite the growing concentration of property, political interference and content trivialization, Romanians continue to show a high level of trust in television. Entering the political scene, television gradually put an end to the traditional model of political communication. Relying more and more on the visual impact, politicians became highly preoccupied by their televised image. Many decisions taken by politicians today are tributary to their foreseen reflection in media. Relationship between media and politics is therefore an important factor in comprehending the stakes of the evolution of contemporary democracies. The impact of television upon political players strongly depends on their own self-promoted image. As long as our perception of politicians relies heavily on television, it seems the latter is entitled to reshape the identity of major leaders but also of political parties which tend to develop a clear, easy to understand discourse. A significant number of politicians became TV stars, moving from one TV show to another. Some do not really seem to have any purpose other than being on TV as often as possible. In fact, taking a closer look at the Romanian press, one can often observe the political and economic interests behind the media agenda, far from the public interest. Most people questioned by EUMAP , including the president of the National Council of the Audio-Visual (C.N.A.), responded that televisions in Romania are mainly a tool used to gain influence. The analysis focuses on describing the relationship between politics and television, focusing on how information is being produced, sent and received, the influence of television on society, with special interest on major players.


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How to Cite

TROFIN, C. . (2015). POLITICS AND TELEVISION IN ROMANIA. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Ephemerides, 60(2), 75–91. Retrieved from


