



Border Guard, Poland, North Macedonia, international cooperation, illegal migration, cross-border crime


In recent years, Europe has experienced an increased wave of migration from third countries. This phenomenon has become so intense that it has been described as a migration crisis. The article presents the problem of cooperation between the Polish Border Guard and the Police of the Republic of North Macedonia as a country particularly affected by an increased influx of illegal migrants. The weak institutionalisation of Macedonia, the ongoing disputes with Greece and the low level of economic development were the factors which made it impossible for the Republic of North Macedonia to meet the challenges related to the uncontrolled influx of migrants on its own. These factors led to the establishment of cooperation between Poland and the Republic of North Macedonia, which may serve as an example of international cooperation in the fight against the migration crisis.


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How to Cite

PRZEOR, M. . (2019). POLISH-MACEDONIAN COOPERATION OF BORDER SERVICES AS AN EXAMPLE OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION TO COMBAT THE MIGRATION CRISIS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 64(1), 68–82. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbeuropaea.2019.1.04


