


Romania, China, 16 1 platform, cooperation, regional politics


From an epistemological prospect, the upsurge of the conventional establishment within the New World Order remains mutually conditional at times, yet different at a notional level. Regarded as an innovative tool in Central and Eastern Europe, 16+1 is a cooperation platform solely conceived in China’s laboratory of regional diplomacy. Quintessentially, terms associated with China’s 16+1 remain diffused and altered, despite the pursuit of accelerating the concretization of the platform itself and the adjacent projects. Therefore, this article plans to explore how these fractions reflect in Central and Eastern Europe on a smaller scale, namely through analyzing China’s 16+1 platform in the case of Romania.


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How to Cite

SAVA, R. (2019). ROMANIAN RHETORIC ON CHINA’S 16+1. DIFFRACTION OF POLITICS AND ECONOMICS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 64(1), 132–155.


