Rroma, Rromani court, ordeals, etymology, loanwordsAbstract
In this short article we focus upon some Rromani terms related to the law. Starting by explaining the usage of double rr in Rroma (noun) and Rromani (adjective) which are preferred by some scholars of Rromology to avoid misunderstanding with Roma, Romania etc., we present shortly what are divàno “debate”, Rromani kris or stabor “the Rromani court” and krisima “ordeals” recorded about 100 years ago in Transylvania and some Rromani expressions used in the Romani court. They are considered as old customs among traditional Rroma. But making a morphological and etymological analysis of them, we arrive at the conclusion that they are all loanwords. It suggests that these customs should come from the other nations, though we cannot deny the possibility of adopting only terms into their own customs.References
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