
  • Isaiah WINTERS Chief proofreader, Gwangju News, South Korea; full-time instructor, English Language Institute, Gwangju, South Korea. Email:



Ukraine Crisis; democracy; loyal opposition; U.S. foreign policy; liberal imperialism


This two-part research project analyzes U.S. foreign policy during the Ukraine Crisis from the viewpoint of loyalty to democracy. By applying the standard expected of loyal opposition parties to the U.S., the foreign policy approach taken is shown to have been disloyal to Ukraine’s fragile democracy, as it contributed to an undemocratic transition of power in the form of a coup d'état. Ultimately, the failure of the U.S. to remain loyal to Ukraine’s democratic process (the way a “loyal opposition state” would have) is explained by the Obama administration’s liberal imperialist approach to foreign policy, whose first loyalty was to U.S. interests, not Ukrainian political sovereignty.


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How to Cite

WINTERS, I. . (2018). APPLYING THE LOYAL OPPOSITION TRADITION TO FOREIGN POLICY: A U.S.-UKRAINE CASE STUDY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 63(1), 235–250.


