



prosopography, inspectorate, optimal matching, construction of the object


When Interdisciplinarity Seems the Right Thing to Do: Overcoming Rejection from the Field Through Prosopography. This paper addresses the practical modalities of entry into interdisciplinarity. Starting from a specific case of rejection from the field, it shows how the use of the historical discipline’s tools shapes the construction of a sociological research object. Following a rejection from the field, this research had to get historical distance, which lead our study from a questioning on the effects of new public management to a socio-history of administrative control at the crossroads of history and the sociology of action. The exploratory possibilities offered by prosopography, and more specifically by optimal matching, are illustrated from the material of a survey devoted to the general inspectors of the French ministry of Culture between the 1960s and today.


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How to Cite

DEMONTEIL, M. . (2018). QUAND L’INTERDISCIPLINARITE S’IMPOSE : CONTOURNEMENT D’UN REFUS DE TERRAIN PAR LA PROSOPOGRAPHIE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 63(2), 93–108. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbeuropaea.2018.2.06


