
  • Thomas MESZAROS Maître de Conférences, Université Lyon 3; maître de conférences, Institut International pour la Francophonie, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France. Email: thomas.meszaros@univ-lyon3.fr. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1475-181X
  • Clément MORIER Docteur en science politique, Université Lyon 3; docteur en science politique, Institut International pour la Francophonie, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France. Email: clementmorier@yahoo.fr.




Crises, Al Quaida, 11 septembre 2001, terrorist attacks, René Thom, catastrophe theory


Interdisciplinarity and International Political Crisis Studies: the Case of 9/11. This study aims to work the concept of political crisis using interdisciplinary tools. It is based on a case study, the crisis of the September 11 attacks, analyzed according to two complementary approaches. First, the breakdown of the sequences of this crisis makes it possible to identify the development of the intensity of the phenomenon over time, and its phases, in order to observe the behavior of the different types of actors involved in the crisis. Then, we have to study the dynamic morphology that shapes the deployment of the crisis, from the point of view of the aggressor, but also from the target, using René Thom’s Catastrophe Theory. This accounts for the internal functioning of these actors, and also, shows crisis management opportunities for the target of these attacks. The purpose of this work is to put forward the relevance of interdisciplinarity to think political crises, and to put interdisciplinarity into practice in order to improve the knowledge of a phenomenon in a specific field (political crisis), by studying with another one.


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How to Cite

MESZAROS, T. ., & MORIER, C. . (2018). ÉTUDE DES CRISES POLITIQUES INTERNATIONALES ET INTERDISCIPLINARITE : LE CAS DU 11 SEPTEMBRE 2001. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 63(2), 109–132. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbeuropaea.2018.2.07


