
  • Rafał RIEDEL Professor PhD, Department for European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Opole University, Poland; guest lecturer, Sankt Gallen University, Switzerland. Email:



Conditionality, Europeanisation, European Union, democracy


This paper aims at investigating the European Union’s (EU) role in defending democracy both before and after the enlargement round. It connects the literature on Europeanisation and conditionality with the reconstruction of the contemporary EU’s legal instruments at the disposal of democracy defence in the member states. The topic is highly valid from the point of view of the most recent developments in many Central Eastern European countries which are scrutinised by the supranational institutions by their illiberal democracy practices.


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How to Cite

RIEDEL, R. . (2017). DEMOCRATIC CONDITIONALITY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 62(1), 5–26.


