
  • Rosetta COLLURA Teaching and research assistant PhD, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Email:
  • Pierre VERCAUTEREN Professor PhD, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Email:



Think tanks, European governance, policy networks, power dependence, knowledge


The complex nature of the European Union has mainly been theorized through the governance process. In a global perspective, the concept of governance refers to an interdependence between state and non-state actors. The aim of this article is to investigate theoretical perspectives about actions of think tanks in a governance process. It shall be focused on think tanks, analysed as knowledge organizations. Therefore, this article shall investigate the strategies developed by think tanks in order to create a power dependency in the European governance.


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How to Cite

COLLURA, R. ., & VERCAUTEREN, P. . (2017). THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THINK TANKS IN THE EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 62(1), 27–53.


