
  • Luigi GATTI Doctorant en Science politique, Université de Bordeaux (CMRP-IRM), France. Email:



Electoral reforms – Theories – Ethnic minorities – Croatia – Serbs


Croatian Electoral Reforms and the Serbian Ethnic Minority (1990-2002). This paper intends to put forward an analytical frame able to explain the complexity of the process leading to electoral reforms in Croatia. The Croatian situation, especially from 1990 to 2002, presents specific features regarding the link between electoral reforms and the Serbian ethnic minority. We will first analyze the electoral reforms through the classical rational choice approach. We will then study them using the modern approach wich acknowledges the variety of political actors and interests and takes into account the historical and geopolitical context.



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How to Cite

GATTI, . L. . (2017). REFORMES ÉLECTORALES EN CROATIE ET MINORITE NATIONALE SERBE (1990-2002). Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 62(1), 161–181.


