
  • Oana ALBESCU PhD in International Relations and European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:
  • Mircea MANIU Associate Professor PhD, Department of European Studies and Governance, Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:



post-ideology, interventionism, pragmatism, technocracy, ad hoc-racy, fairness


The present research follows two different movements: what happens and the way we think about what actually happens in terms of global political and economic governance. The first is a realistic approach considering the recent developments throughout the world, the second is an idealistic approach of ideologies attempting to change reality - but nevertheless influenced by the very reality they aspire to model. Towards the end we try to articulate these two tracks: 1. In terms of ideology, we believe we are witnessing today a sharp decline in ideological rigor. Contrasted to the Second World War fanatical clash of ideologies, or with the rigid dogmatism of the Cold War, we cannot help noticing that we live somehow phlegmatic times. Ideologies do exist, but there is a hegemonic centrist, gray tendency, put between the clearly understandable black and white. 2. In terms of politics and economics, the real world is heading on different ways. Both Russia and China have enforced heterodox interventionist policies. But even US acted ad hoc during the financial crisis. And the same might be said about EU during the migration crisis. Our point is that the rise of the new interventionism goes hand in hand with the recent softening of ideological constraints. In our closing chapter we argue that the ideological vacuum behind the new interventionism has been filled mostly by either technocratic or/and ad hoc-ratic attitudes.


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How to Cite

ALBESCU, O. ., & MANIU, M. . (2017). THE INEXORABLE RISE OF THE NEW INTERVENTIONISM. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 62(3), 5–28.


