

post-socialism; social competition; labour organisation; migration; proletarianisation; Oaș Country


The aim of the article is to explain the amplitude of transnational migration and of the strong social competition of one of Romania’s most isolated regions, the Oaș Country (or the Basin of Oaș). Analysing historically the organisation of labour within the region’s communities, the article reveals that a traditional organisation of work found the structural conditions to reproduce during socialist times, as a result of an incomplete proletarianisation process. A particular subsistence system, defined by collective organisation of work and by geographical mobility, explains both the success in transnational migration after 1990 and the intensifying of the social competition within the region’s communities. The article also makes clear that transnational migration represents the path for a complete proletarianisation of these groups.


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How to Cite

TROC, G. . (2016). TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION AND POST-SOCIALIST PROLETARIANISATION IN A RURAL ROMANIAN PROVINCE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 61(3), 51–65. Retrieved from


