
  • Vasileios D. SPANOS PhD candidate, University of Thessaly, Greece. Email: spanos7@yahoo.com.


heritage, residents, participation, Phthia, Achilles


The aim of this survey is to investigate the residents’ perceptions about their own participation regarding cultural heritage displaying. The research conducted in the town of Pharsalus, central Greece. According to many indications, modern Pharsalus is ancient Phthia, the homeland of Achilles. The results discovered a strong relation between the interpretation of a monument and public involvement which can provide a long term sustainable management. Along with the above results, a deep interpretation of what Achilles really represents as a human entity is cited.



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How to Cite

SPANOS, V. D. . (2016). HERITAGE MANAGEMENT AND INTERPRETATION: THE MORTAL GOD BEHIND THE ARMOR. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 61(3), 177–193. Retrieved from


