
  • Walter ROTHHOLZ Professor, Universität Szczecin/Stettin, Pollen; Hong Kong State University; Universität Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien. Email:


political culture, secularization, civil society, political mythology, uncertainty, totalitarianism


This article focuses on the roots of political culture in Romania, beginning with the consolidation of the independent state, continuing through the experience of totalitarianism and the transformation process after the fall of comunism. Many of the political dificulties of Romanian society today can be traced back to specific experiences (or missing experiences) in the recent history. The lack of trust in political institutions and in the state, the underdeveloped civil society, the power of the church and the generalized corruption all find their explanation in specific structural settings of the past, from imported constitutions, through partial secularization, political myths and strong networks of former communist leaders. The only hope for the political recovery of the country is the strong presence of the EU, with its regulatory function.


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How to Cite

ROTHHOLZ, W. . (2016). NOTES ON THE POLITICAL CULTURE IN ROMANIA / ANMERKUNGEN ZUR POLITISCHEN KULTUR IN RUMÄNIEN. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 61(2), 33–60. Retrieved from


