
  • Marc HUFTY Professeur en études du développement, Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement, Genève, Suisse. Email:


Governance, the Governance Analytical Framework, public policies, interpretative approaches, representations


Based on concrete examples, this paper discusses different understandings of the concept governance and summerizes ten years of a research program aimed at giving it a rigorous definition and method. It asks the question if the concept can be used in serious research, as there has been very little improvement in its definition. The answer given here is both pessimistic and optimistic. Maybe it is time to call the death of governance as a scientific term, victim of techno-management fashion. Can it still be saved?


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How to Cite

HUFTY, M. . (2016). GOVERNANCE: POLYSEMIC, TRIVIAL AND NEUTRAL? / LA GOUVERNANCE: POLYSEMIQUE, BANALE ET NEUTRE?. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 61(1), 103–134. Retrieved from


