
  • Darius A. TENT PhD Candidate, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:


social enterprise, traditional social sector, non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurial skills, voluntary action, social added value


Social entrepreneurship is an increasingly important concept in the study of voluntary and nonprofit organizations as it turns out to be the updated version of the latter. Although the popularity of this concept in rapidly increasing within our days, little is known about what individual characteristics might describe a social entrepreneur or how social enterprises differentiate themselves from business enterprises. This paper suggests that social entrepreneurs nowadays are college-educated individuals that overstepped the entry-level business experience, are independent and constantly connected to the globalization process. So that we can suggest ways in which this important actor of the civil society can be better understood, and perhaps helped to flourish, we must first be able to identify him or her.



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Electronic Materials:

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How to Cite

TENT, D. A. . (2015). SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 60(4), 97–108. Retrieved from


