BOOK REVIEW: Simona Jișa, Sergiu Mișcoiu et Modibo Diarra (dir.), « Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique. Regards croisés », Paris: Editions du Cerf, coll. « Patrimoines », 2021, 360 p.


  • Georgiana ROMAN PhD student in political science at the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail:


The political turmoil of postcolonial Africa has ignited the imagination of many authors who tried to capture, through their writing, the essence of the various conflicts and crises that have ensued following the dissolution of the colonial empires. The volume "Raconter les Politiques Conflictuelles en Afrique" untangles the narrative representation of conflict and is bears testament to the complexity of its role in shaping the understanding of the past and present, demonstrating the intertwined relation between politics and literary creation in Africa.


Jișa, Simona; Mișcoiu, Sergiu and Diarra, Modibo (eds.) (2021), Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique. Regards croisés, Cerf Patrimoines.

Rolfe, Gary (2002), “A Lie that Helps us See the Truth': Research, truth and fiction in the helping professions” in Reflective Practice, Vol. 3, No. 1, 89-102.

Turner, Mark (1998), The Literary Mind, New York: Oxford University Press.




How to Cite

ROMAN, G. (2021). BOOK REVIEW: Simona Jișa, Sergiu Mișcoiu et Modibo Diarra (dir.), « Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique. Regards croisés », Paris: Editions du Cerf, coll. « Patrimoines », 2021, 360 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Europaea, 66(2), 397–404. Retrieved from



Book Reviews