
  • Anna REALE Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:
  • Péter KISS Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:
  • Charles FERRARI Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:
  • Benedek KOVÁCS Ericsson Hungary Research and Development Center, Budapest, Hungary. Email:
  • László SZILÁGYI Ericsson Hungary Research and Development Center, Budapest, Hungary. Email:
  • Melinda TÓTH Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:



5G, Distributed Cloud, Distributed Computing, Application Partitioning, Edge Computing, Augmented Reality.


Distributed Computing in 5G Mobile Networks is a potential requirement for certain applications that depends on low latency and information sharing through or with data information sources. Such applications may be observed as a distributed application. We present a tool and method to optimize the deployment of distributed applications, dividing it into Modules, in a 5G Mobile Network environment. To do so we apply an approximation algorithm for the Path Computation and Function Placement Problem described in [1]. We show that under certain circumstances it is beneficial to deploy parts of such applications in a Cloud Computing environment with Distributed Cloud resources at the Mobile Network Edge. We verify our findings with an example, an Augmented Reality application.

Author Biographies

Anna REALE, Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:

Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/C., 1117 Hungary. Email:

Péter KISS, Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:

Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/C., 1117 Hungary. Email:

Charles FERRARI, Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:

Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/C., 1117 Hungary. Email:

Benedek KOVÁCS, Ericsson Hungary Research and Development Center, Budapest, Hungary. Email:

Ericsson Hungary Research and Development Center, Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 11, 1117 Hungary. Email:

László SZILÁGYI, Ericsson Hungary Research and Development Center, Budapest, Hungary. Email:

Ericsson Hungary Research and Development Center, Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 11, 1117 Hungary. Email:

Melinda TÓTH, Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Hungary. Email:

Faculty of Informatics, ELTE university, Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny. 1/C., 1117 Hungary. Email:


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