stylistics, Sigismund Toduţă, Cluj-Napoca, choral music.Abstract
In this article, we have emphasized the premises that led to the birth of the Cluj-Napoca school of composition belonging to the Music Academy, a place where great musical personalities will be shaped, both for the Romanian and universal artistic-musical context. One of the most important composers of the interwar years is Sigismund Toduţă, a former student of this institution, who later became leader of the Cluj-Napoca school of composition. The stylistic coordinates used in his compositional approach will be featured, based on the triad of inspiration sources – the folk melos, the Byzantine song and the Gregorian chant. Through his musical, pedagogical and human qualities, Toduţă will be able to guide, in the composition class, a generation of musicians that will prevail in the Romanian cultural space through a musical language that has as its starting point the orientations and conceptions of the master, enriched, along the way, with their own conquests and principles.References
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