György Ligeti: hamburgisches Konzert für Horn und Kammerorchester mit 4 obligaten Naturhörnern. Aspects of a Crystalline Microtonality




Ligeti, microtonality, Hamburgisches Konzert


This is a study on the microtonal aspects of György Ligeti’s Hamburgisches Konzert für Horn und Kammerorchester mit 4 obligaten Naturhörnern, with special reference to its relationship with the American composer Harry Partch. The special mixture of equal temperament versus just intonation is analyzed for longer passages and adhoc chords in the concept of Ligeti. The movement “Choral” is confronted with Harry Partch’s idea of “tonality flux”. The “Hamburgisches Konzert für Horn und Kammerorchester mit 4 obligaten Naturhörnern” by György Ligeti, composed in 1998-2002, joins a long chain of exploratory forms of thought in his compositional work long years before he had pondered meloharmonics that would illuminate the great theme of tonality in a novel, personal way. In the Horn Trio (1982), melodies containing natural tones appear for the first time in the movement “Alla Marcia.” Previously, in the same work, Ligeti used the 11th harmonic as a precise quarter tone. Yet in the Horn Trio, these microtonal events are transverse to the other voices of violin and piano. Ligeti spoke of three “autists,” each living in his world of moods/tunings. In the works that followed, microtones take up an ever wider space, up to the Piano Concerto (1985-88) with 5th, 7th or 11th harmonics in trumpet, horn and trombone, and then to the Violin Concerto (1990-92), where two solo satellite strings from the orchestra, violin and viola, are retuned in natural interval relationships. The Viola Solo Sonata (1991-94) contains in the first movement “Hora lungă” a sign world new to Ligeti for natural thirds, natural sevenths and the 11th natural tone. He adopts these signs for the Hamburgisches Konzert, on which we will now focus.


Mentioned Scores:

Ligeti, György. Hamburgisches Konzert für Horn und Kammerorchester mit 4 obligaten Naturhörnern: Schott Music.

Ligeti, György. Trio für Violine, Horn (F/B) und Klavier, Schott Music.

Ligeti, György. Konzert für Klavier und Orchester, Schott Music.

Ligeti, György. Konzert für Violine und Orchester, Schott Music.

Ligeti, György. Sonate für Viola solo, Schott Music.


Duchesneau, Louise/Marx, Wolfgang (eds.). György Ligeti: of foreign lands and strange sounds, Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2011.

Elia, Alessio. The “Hamburgisches Konzert” by György Ligeti. From sketches and drafts to the final (?) version. Musical structures, techniques of composition and their perception as aural phenomena. Dissertation University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rom 2012, Impronta – Edition, Mannheim, 2022.

Gilmore, Bob. Harry Partch. A Biography, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1998.

Hauptmann, Moritz. Die Natur der Harmonik und der Metrik. Zur Theorie der Musik, Breitkopf und Härtel, Leipzig, 1853.

von Helmholtz, Hermann. Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage für die Theorie der Musik. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1863.

von Helmholtz, Hermann. On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music, translation, notes and additions by Alexander John Ellis, Longmans, Green, 1895.

Knop, Frederik. Retrospektiven. Die Inszenierung von Tradition in den letzten Kompositionen György Ligetis, Schott, Mainz, 2017.

Ligeti, György. Gesammelte Schriften, Monika Lichtenfeld (ed.), vol. 1 and 2, Schott, Mainz, 2007.

von Oettingen, Arthur. Harmoniesystem in dualer Entwicklung. Studien zur Theorie der Musik. Gläser, Dorpat/Leipzig 1866, revised 2nd edition as: Das duale Harmoniesystem, Leipzig, 1913.

Partch, Harry. Genesis of a Music, Da capo, 2nd enlarged edition, New York, 1974.

Stahnke, Manfred (ed.). Mikrotöne und mehr - Auf György Ligetis Hamburger Pfaden, von Bockel Verlag, Hamburg, 2005.

Stahnke, Manfred. Mein Blick auf Ligeti, Partch & Compagnons, BoD, Norderstedt 2017 containing:

- Gedanken zu Harry Partch, 24ff, first in: Neuland 2, Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart, Herbert Henck (ed.), Bergisch Gladbach 1981/82, 243ff

- Ausschnitt aus einem Gespräch mit György Ligeti am 5. März 2001, 316ff

- Peter Niklas WILSON / György LIGETI: Vom Nutzen der Wurzellosigkeit: Notizen nach einem Gespräch mit György Ligeti, in: Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, September / Oktober 1998, vol. 159, no. 5, Schott, Mainz 1998, 42ff

Scores with sounds:

Babelscores, Paris:

Books among others (in German):

(ed.): György Ligeti im Spiegel seiner Hamburger Kompositionsklasse ( the Mirror of his Composition Class), BoD, Norderstedt, 2023.

Ligeti, György. Eine Hybridwelt (...A Hybrid World), BoD, Norderstedt, 2022.

Mein Blick auf Ligeti, Partch & Compagnons (My view on Ligeti, Partch & Compagnons), BoD, Norderstedt, 2017.

(ed.): Mikrotöne und mehr - Auf György Ligetis Hamburger Pfaden (Microtones and More – Tracing Ligeti in Hamburg), Bockel, Hamburg, 2005.

(ed.): Musik - nicht ohne Worte (Music – Not Without Words), Bockel, Hamburg 2000, contains p.121: György Ligeti und Manfred Stahnke: Interview 29 Mai 1993.

Struktur und Ästhetik bei Boulez. Dritte Sonate, Formant “Trope” - mit Mallarmé & Joyce (Structure and Aesthetics of Boulez...), BoD, Norderstedt, 2017.




How to Cite

STAHNKE, M. . (2024). György Ligeti: hamburgisches Konzert für Horn und Kammerorchester mit 4 obligaten Naturhörnern. Aspects of a Crystalline Microtonality. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 69(Special Issue 2), 61–89.