



female stereotypes, women portrayal, advertising, Romania


Advertising, by its accessibility, is incredibly powerful in spreading stereotypical representations. The way women are portrayed in advertising in different countries and cultures has been a subject of research for more decades. The paper aims to examine the way women are portrayed in advertising campaigns in Romania. The study focuses on finding the stereotypes used and their characteristics by qualitatively analyzing ads from brands’ YouTube channels. We identified seven stereotypes and the analysis shows that women portrayals are idealized in Romanian advertising. Although there are some modern approaches to the representations, ads do not reflect contemporary female roles. The most frequent stereotype is the Next-Door Woman, a stereotype that emphasis on the cuteness of the woman, not on her intelligence. Romanian brands’ advertising lacks campaigns promoting women empowerment.

JEL classification: M31, M37

Author Biography

Alexandra UJICĂ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania

Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 400591 Th. Mihali Street 58-60, alexandra.ujica@stud.ubbcluj.ro


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How to Cite

UJICĂ, A., & BĂBUȚ, R. (2021). FEMALE STEREOTYPES IN ROMANIAN ADVERTISING: AN INTERPRETATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 66(2), 25–37. https://doi.org/10.2478/subboec-2021-0007


