
  • Simona SABOU Faculty of Sciences, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare, Victoriei, nr. 76, 430122, Baia Mare, România, Tel. 0262-276059, E-mail:
  • Bianca AVRAM-POP Faculty of Sciences, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare, Victoriei, nr. 76, 430122, Baia Mare, România, Tel. 0262-276059
  • Liliana Adela ZIMA Faculty of Sciences, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare, Victoriei, nr. 76, 430122, Baia Mare, România, Tel. 0262-276059


e-commerce, unsatisfied customers, European states.


The purpose of this study is to identify the behavior of customers in the online environment. We analyzed the evolution, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of this type of commerce, and its implications on the consumers. In order to identify the customers’ behavior online, we selected three variables which are characterized by time intervals of the latest online order, and six variables which analyze the main problems faced by consumers of goods/services bought online (a long shipping time, damaged products, non-compliant products, fraud related issues, underperforming complaint system, technical issues, lack of customer and legal aspects). Online commerce is less developed in the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Ireland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovenia and Norway. But, the advantages of ecommerce weigh more for the consumer than the problems they face, for example: online shoppers will continue to make online purchases even if they have experienced delays in delivering goods/services, damaged products, online fraud, technical problems or difficulties in finding information about the warranty of goods/services.

JEL classification: E20, F10


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How to Cite

SABOU, S., AVRAM-POP, B., & ZIMA, L. A. (2017). THE IMPACT OF THE PROBLEMS FACED BY ONLINE CUSTOMERS ON ECOMMERCE . Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 62(2), 77–88. Retrieved from


