

extrinsic cues, brand, country of origin, price.


The extrinsic product cues are becoming a very important aspect in product evaluation by consumers. Because of their importance many authors are exploring which extrinsic cues are considered more significant when evaluating the different kind of products. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate the impact of most researched extrinsic cues such as the country of origin (COO), brand, and price on a purchasing decision for food products among consumers in Kosova. To explore the domestic country bias, the impact of the additional cue labeled as “domestic product” is studied. Based on a quantitative survey, the main findings of this study revealed that the brand, the price, the country of origin, and domestic branded products have positive impact on a consumer’s purchasing decision, since consumers rely on those extrinsic cues when making their purchasing decisions. When multiple cues are presented, the country of origin is considered as the most important cue, while the “domestic product” is least important to Kosovar consumers. The findings of this study are useful to food producers and marketers of food products, since it can provide them with useful information on what consumers consider most important when purchasing food products.

JEL classification: M31, C35;


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How to Cite

FETAI, B., SADIKU-DUSHI, N., & ISMAILI, R. (2017). MEASURING THE IMPACT OF EXTRINSIC CUES ON CONSUMERS’ PURCHASING DECISION FOR FOOD PRODUCTS . Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 62(3), 33–46. Retrieved from


