

intra-industry trade, OLS with logistic transformation, fractional logit regression model


This study examines the main macroeconomic determinants of intra-industry trade between Romania and its major trading partners during the period 2001-2012. Using data at four-digit level for eight sections and based on a static panel data approach, we analyzed the country-specific characteristics. The results of the econometric analysis confirm the theoretical background. According to our estimations, the intra-industry trade is positively correlated to market size and negatively to differences in per-capita income and geographical distance, but there are also other specific factors of influence for each sector.

 JEL classification: F1, C2


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How to Cite

BAN, I.-M. . (2015). MACROECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF ROMANIAN INTRA-INDUSTRY TRADE. A STUDY OF KEY CONTRIBUTORS TO EXPORT SALES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 60(2), 3–21. Retrieved from


