

Accounting firms, social media, social media adoption, social media usage, South Africa


Technological advances continue to expand connectivity and communication, greatly assisting in social media business integration. Although social media has potential to drive the world of finance and accounting, firms in the accounting domain have predominantly remained laggards in social media adoption and usage. The usage of social media tools in accounting would be transformative; better leveraging opportunities for interaction and user engagement. This article discusses the background and significance of social media tools, projecting the overall concept of social media and offering some empirical evidence on the adoption and usage by accounting firms. The paper also discusses the potential benefits and approaches towards building a social media presence from an accounting perspective. Common reasons for not adopting social media include the fear of appearing unprofessional, posting something wrong or being misunderstood, or a lack of confidence in online skills. Future research is proposed to assess linkages between usage patterns and organizational characteristics, staff perspectives, and audience engagement

 JEL Classification: M30, M31, M37, M38, M39


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How to Cite

DUBIHLELA, J. ., & RUNDORA, R. . (2015). ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA, ITS ADOPTION AND USAGE PATTERNS WITHIN ACCOUNTING FIRMS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 60(1), 23–35. Retrieved from


