
  • Sunday Stephen AJEMUNIGBOHUN Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Nigeria. E-mail:
  • Folake Feyisayo OLOWOKUDEJO University of Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Ismaila ADELEKE University of Lagos, Nigeria.



Claims settlement, risk attitudes, motor insurance policyholders, theory of planned behaviour, Nigeria


Claims, being the heartbeat of the workability of insurance, are the most critical contact influencer between the insuring public and the insurer. It serves as a critical path to truth that shapes the policyholders’ ultimate perceptions of their insurers. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the relationships between claims settlement and risk attitudes, with specific reference to motor insurance policyholders in Lagos, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. A survey based questionnaire was applied to 287 motor insurance policyholders. The findings show that claims settlements are significant in attracting reasonable risk attitudes. The study recommends that motor insurance providers should put in place fascinating claims packages in order to boost the confidence level of the motoring communities. Government should rejuvenate and empower the motor insurance public complaint commission to address issues relating to motor insurance claims of either party in the motor insurance contract. Future research work could direct attention to insurance fraud issues emanating from the insurance claims settlement manual.

JEL Classifications: G19, G22, N27

Author Biographies

Sunday Stephen AJEMUNIGBOHUN, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Nigeria. E-mail:

Department of Insurance, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Lagos-Badagry Expressway, Lagos State, Nigeria, Tel: +234(0)7055342854, E-mail:

Folake Feyisayo OLOWOKUDEJO, University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Department of Actuarial Science and Insurance Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos Tel: +234-806-270-4956 E-mail:

Ismaila ADELEKE, University of Lagos, Nigeria.

University of Lagos, Nigeria.


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