
  • Marius LAZĂR Sociology Department, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, e-mail:



intellectuals, social field, social networks, reputation economy, Romania after 1989


In this article, I analyse the transformations of the Romanian post-communist intellectual elites, using as a case study the disputes in the cultural press in Romania from 2002 to 2004, disagreements that influenced the repositioning of the Romanian public intellectuals through ideological alignments. Those debates gave birth afterwards to a cohesive Conservative pole and to anti-conservative tendencies of diverse political orientations, which constitutes the origin of the current divisions of the intellectual space. The analysis combines the Bourdieusian perspective on the social field and the theory of social networks with the purpose to formulate a hypothesis concerning the competitions meant to produce and preserve the prestige of the status groups in the social space that generate conflicting ideological positions. It outlines an alternative form of reassessing the “reputation economy” outside the space of the commodity exchange economy, starting instead with symbolic exchanges. The study describes the social rationale behind status production, as a source of strategies for maintaining dominant positions in a social field.


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How to Cite

LAZĂR, M. (2019). INTELLECTUAL FIELD, NETWORKS, AND REPUTATION ECONOMY IN ROMANIA AFTER 1989. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 64(2), 109–140.


