Guest Editors’ Forward


  • Marian Viorel ANĂSTĂSOAIE New Europe College, Bucharest, e-mail:
  • László FOSZTÓ Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, e-mail:
  • Iuliu RAȚIU Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication, The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, e-mail:



This special issue of Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Sociologia originates from the panel “Shaping the Field of Romanian Studies: American & Romanian Scholars at Work” chaired by Vintilă Mihăilescu and organized by Iuliu Rațiu at the Conference of the Society for Romanian Studies (SRS), Bucharest 26-29 June, 2018. In line with the general theme of the conference, “#Romania100: Looking Forward through the Past”, the participants, all of whom had done research in Romania, were invited to present their views on what shaped the field of Romanian Studies, with a focus on academic exchanges and the mutual influence between international and Romanian scholars. Three participants in this panel, László Fosztó, David Kideckel, and Steven Sampson have submitted their revised presentations for this issue. Another panel member, Sam Beck, was unable to attend. Viorel Anăstăsoaie attended the panel; finally, Steven Randall did not attend the panel but graciously accepted later to reflect back on his fieldwork experience.


Cole, John W. (1984). Notes on Anthropology in Romania. In Cole, John W. (Ed.). Economy, Society and Culture in Contemporary Romania, Xiii-xx. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Department of Anthropology Research Reports Series.

Cole, John W. and Eric R. Wolf. (1974). The Hidden Frontier: Ecology and Ethnicity in an Alpine Valley, New York: Academic Press.

Hofer, Tamás. (1968). Anthropologists and Native Ethnographers in Central European Villages: Comparative Notes on the Professional Personality of Two Disciplines, Current Anthropology, 9 (4): 311-315.

Kideckel, David A. and Steven Sampson. (1984). Fieldwork in Romania: Political, Practical and Ethical Aspects. In Cole, John W. (Ed.) Economy, Society and Culture in Contemporary Romania, 85-102. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Department of Anthropology Research Reports Series.

Kligman, Gail. (2017). Speech Given on the 25th of May 2017 on the Occasion of Being Awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa Title of the Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Studia UBB Sociologia, 62 (LXII), 1: 19-28.

Murra, John V. (1972). El 'control vertical' de un máximo de pisos ecológicos en la economía de las sociedades andinas. In Visita de la provincia de León de Huánuco (1562). vol. 2, 429–76. Huánuco: Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan.

Murra, John V. (1987). Civilizație inca. Organizarea economică a statului incaș. (Translated by Ata Iosifescu), București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.

Steward, Julian, Robert Manners, Eric Wolf, Elena Padilla Seda, Sidney Mintz, and Raymond Scheele. (1956). The People of Puerto Rico: A Study in Social Anthropology. Urbana: University of Illinois Press

Verdery, Katherine. (2017). Speech Given on the 12th of October 2017 on the Occasion of Being Awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa Title of the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Studia UBB Sociologia, 62 (LXII), 2: 17-25.

Magyari-Vincze, Enikő, Colin Quigley, and Gabriel Troc. (2000). Întâlniri multiple. Antropologi occidentali în Europa de Est (Multiple Encounters. Western Anthropologists in Eastern Europe), Cluj: EFES.




How to Cite

ANĂSTĂSOAIE, M. V., FOSZTÓ, L., & RAȚIU, I. (2018). FIELDWORK IN SOCIALIST ROMANIA: THE UMASS ROMANIAN RESEARCH GROUP: Guest Editors’ Forward. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 63(2), 7–12.


