
  • David A. KIDECKEL Anthropology Department, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT, US, email: dakideckel@gmail.com




transportation, fieldwork, Cold War, socialism, mobility, UMass Romanian Research Group


This essay considers how transportation and mobility model the character of Romanian-American interaction during fieldwork from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. Transportation in socialist Romania was a register of modernization and regime legitimation as well as an absolute threat to that legitimation. Official suspicions of movement and political concern about transportation translated into differentially restricting, policing, and limiting availability of transportation. In contrast anthropological fieldwork is predicated on movement while Western culture also claimed free mobility as a cultural good. These different teleologies provoked diverse disjunctures in my interactions with Romanians. While I engaged with Romanians naively, my travelling together with people either gave them cover for resistance or provoked their fear of political exposure. Sharing transportation resources with Romanians encouraged others’ concerns about my alleged political bias or was used to affirm socialist superiority. In other words, transportation during socialism was never neutral, but freighted politically and culturally confrontational.


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How to Cite

KIDECKEL, D. A. (2018). ‘DID YOU ARRIVE BY TRAIN OR BY SHIP?:’ TRANSPORTATION AS POLITICS AND METAPHOR IN FIELDWORK IN SOCIALIST ROMANIA. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 63(2), 29–48. https://doi.org/10.2478/subbs-2018-0010


