
  • Steven G. RANDALL Emeritus Professor at Temple University, Japan, e-mail:



communism, socialism, capitalism, neoliberalism, world-system, Cold War, democracy and authoritarianism, UMass Romanian Research Group


This discussion looks back at socialist Romania and the collapse of the Ceauşescu regime. It suggests that Romania, like all states, socialist, social-democratic and neoliberal are confronted by the same world systemic capitalism and that all states use a mixture of policies involving both capitalist and socialist, democratic and authoritarian features in the attempt to avoid the hazards and to gain the advantages of a global system dominated by capitalist accumulation. Using a diversity of assets and hampered by limitations inherited historically, some will fail and some will succeed as state projects. Cold War era analysis will not be useful as a way to evaluate or predict winners or losers. Likewise, the failure of Communist Romania as a state system could not have been predicted either by its authoritarian or by its socialist policy features.


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How to Cite

RANDALL, S. G. (2018). SOCIALIST ROMANIA AND THE FUTILITY OF COLD WAR ANALYSIS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 63(2), 71–91.


